Question NW1448 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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12 May 2022 - NW1448

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) is the total number of (i) physical and (ii) sexual cases against educators in each province (aa) in the past three financial years and (bb) since April 2022 and (b) total number of the specified cases led to (i) disciplinary actions and (ii) dismissal?


a) (i) and (ii); (aa); (bb); (b)(i) and (ii) Sexual misconduct cases are reported to the employer. Therefore, the question is more relevant to the provincial administration since it is the responsibility of the employer, who in terms of section 3(1)(b) of the Employment of Educators Act, 76 of 1998, is the Head of the Provincial Education Department, to enforce disciplinary code and procedures against all educators employed at the provincial level.

The question should therefore be forwarded to the relevant employer for details and response.

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