Question NW3805 to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

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16 November 2015 - NW3805

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What was the cost of producing the annual reports for the (i) Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa and (ii) Universal Service and Access Fund for the year ended 31 March 2015, (b) how many copies of the annual reports were produced in each case and (c) what (i) company or (ii) entity was contracted to produce the annual reports in each case?


(a) The overall cost producing the USAASA annual reports for the year ended 31 March 2015 was a VAT inclusive sum of R265 486. 68 broken down as follows:

Item Description (Initial USAASA Copies

VAT Inclusive Total ‘R’

Project Management Costs

33 858. 00

Copywriter / Editor Package

15 475. 50

Strategic/Executive/Creative Directors

50 507. 70

DTP, Design, Layout & Electronic Assembly

24 453. 00

Photography Package

14 250. 00

Consumables Laserproof Colour A4 & CD

5 785. 50

Agency Fee

34 627. 73

Printing 250 USAASA Copies

26 926. 80


205 884. 23

Item Description (Additional USAASA Copies)

VAT Inclusive Total ‘R’

250 Copies USAASA

48 041. 88

DTP. Design & Layout

4 560. 00

Agency Fee

7000. 57


59 602. 45

The overall cost producing the USAF annual reports for the year ended 31 March 2015 was a VAT inclusive sum of R206 808.12 broken down as follows:

Item Description (Initial USAASA Copies

VAT Inclusive Total ‘R’

Project Management Costs

33 858. 00

Copywriter / Editor Package

15 475. 50

Strategic/Executive/Creative Directors

50 507. 70

DTP, Design, Layout & Electronic Assembly

24 453. 00

Photography Package

14 250. 00

Consumables Laserproof Colour A4 &CD

5 785. 50

Agency Fee

34 627. 73

Printing 250 USAF Copies

34 111. 08


213 068. 51

Item Description (Additional USAF Copies)

VAT Inclusive Total ‘R’

250 Copies USAF

36 179. 04

DTP. Design & Layout

4 560. 00

Agency Fee

7 000. 57


47 739. 61

(b) Total number of 2014/15 annual report copies produced as follows:

  • USAASA – 500 copies
  • USAF – 500 copies

(c) Active 8 Branding was contracted to produce all the USAASA and USAF 2014/15 annual reports and services provided included the annual report design, layout, editorial services and printing. This company is part of a panel of communications service providers that was appointed by the Agency to provide printing services amongst other communications-related services.

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