Question NW926 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

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15 April 2021 - NW926

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1)(a)(i). How does mentorship at the National Arts Council work and (ii) on what bases are they linked to funded projects and/or applications for funding, (b)(i) what procurement process was followed to appoint mentors and (ii) in cases where mentors were nominated, what does the process entail and how does it correlate with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999, (c)(i) what amount of the allocated funding that is applied for, do mentors receive and (ii) where does this reflect on the record and (d) what (i) total number of applicants completed their projects without assistance from their mentors and (ii) what happens to the money deducted and allocated towards mentors where they are not assisting the applicants; (2). whether the money goes to the applicant and/or to the Surplus Fund and then distributed via the Surplus Policy; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further relevant details?


According to NAC:

(1)(a)(i). In 2019, the National Arts Council initiated a mentorship programme for specific approved beneficiaries. However, the programme did not proceed as there was no policy developed for it.

(ii) The mentorship was proposed for projects in marginalised and rural areas that needed support in implementing projects. The amount was meant to be 25% of identified projects’ allocation.

(b)(i) There was no procurement process followed as the programme did not continue.

(ii) There were no mentors nominated

(c)(i) None as the programme did not proceed, mentorship fees were not allocated.

(ii) Nothing is reflected as there were no payments done to mentors

(d) Ten (10)

(ii) The money is still in the NAC’s account

(2). The money remaining will be allocated to funding of bursaries and projects through an open call for funding.

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