Question NW552 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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15 March 2021 - NW552

Profile picture: Nodada, Mr BB

Nodada, Mr BB to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the breakdown of the total number of learners in each (a) Grade and (b) province who have been unaccounted for in the period 15 March 2020 to 15 February 2021?


Learner drop-out statistics are not available at this point. Based on the information provided by the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) during the DG's weekly one-on-one virtual meetings with PEDs, provinces are still collating the drop-out statistics. As they work out drop-out-statistics, PEDs are identifying learners who do not physically come to school, but have not dropped out, because they are learning from home.  These are learners who have comorbidities or other illnesses, as well as those who are in the home education programme.

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