Question NW2458 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science andTechnology

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09 November 2020 - NW2458

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science andTechnology

(1) What(a)amount in funding has his department allocated to Esayidi Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in KwaZulu-Natal, (b) is the specified TVET’s annual total budget for the 2020-21 financial year and (c) is EsayidiTVET’s budget allocation to each of its campuses for the specified year and (d) is the budget breakdown for each line item and present expenditure per item for each campus for the specified year; (2) whetherthepromisedfundsforlaptopsforstudentstofacilitateonlinelearning during the Covid-19 lockdown at EsayidiTVET Umzimkulu Campus were allocated and received by the Umzimkulu Campus;if not,(a)on what date and what amount will be received for laptops and (b) on what dates will the students receive their promised laptops; if so, (i) what amount in funding was received,(ii) on what date and what amount of funds received and (iii) to whom were the funds released; (3) whether he has been informed that EsayidiTVET’s Umzimkulu Campus has no library, problems with running water in the residences, only four toilets on the campus for approximately 1000 students and that the Wi-Fi on the campus is not working; if not, what plans does his department have in place to address the specified issues;if so,what are the relevant details of his department’s plans to address the specified issues?


1. (a) ProgrammeFunding

Compensation of Employees (PERSAL allocation) R151 729 000

Direct Transfer (Subsidy) R 88 550 000

COVID 19 allocation R 3 233 000

Total Bursary allocation (20%) R 59 068 000

Capital Infrastructure Efficiency Grant R 11 872 784

(b) ProgrammeFunding

Compensation of Employees (PERSAL allocation) R151 729 000

Direct Transfer (Subsidy) R 88 550 000

COVID 19 allocation R 3 233 000

Total Bursary allocation (20%) R 59 068 000

Capital Infrastructure Efficiency Grant R 11 872 784

(c) Duetothecurrentaccountingsystem andstaffcomplimentinplace,EsayidiTVETCollege operatesonacentralizedbudget.Alloperationalcostsarebudgetedandpaidforcentrally.Each campus requests specific items based on their student enrolment figures, maintenance and individual campus needs.

(d) The budget breakdown and expenditure for each line item per campus based on the COVID-19 amended 2020 budget is attached.

2. EsaydiTVET College has not received anyfunds for laptops for any of its campuses.

3. Umzimkulu as a town has severe water issues and water is only pumped for a few hours a day.Thecampus has implemented a waterbackup storagesystemtoensurethatthereisbackupwateravailablespecificallyfortheresidences.Thecollegeisinthe processofaddressingthelack of toilets.Quotationshavebeenobtained,but sincethequotesexceeded theprocurementlimits,itwillgooutonpublictenderwithinthenext 2 weeks. Thecollegeisintheprocessofupgrading its infrastructureonallcampusesandplanstohave Wi-Fi available in 2021.