Question NW1711 to the Minister of Basic Education  to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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12 August 2020 - NW1711

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education  to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a)(i) Where is the form submitted that teachers and staff need to complete if they have comorbidities and (ii) what is the process that is followed thereafter and (b) what procedure is followed for learners in the same situation?


(a)(i) The form submitted is part of Collective Agreement 1 of 2020 as attached.

(ii) Once the educator submits the application form and the accompanying documentation, his/her Supervisor assesses the application. Once the Supervisor is satisfied that the educator qualifies to be granted a concession, conditions of the concession are discussed and an agreement  is reached and recorded in the form. If there is no agreement, the grievance procedure in Chapter G of the Personnel Administrative Measure (PAM) document will be activated.