Question NW1435 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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11 August 2020 - NW1435

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether her department will take any steps to assist learners who are not able to return to schools due to suffering from comorbidities to complete the 2020 academic year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The parents of Learners with comorbidities have been advised to report their children to their schools or districts for documentation. The school then follows guidelines to support learners with comorbidities. This included preparing studying materials to guide learners for self-study. Parents collect these materials on behalf of learners on dates determined by the school. Parents then submit work done by learners back to school for marking. In addition to the print materials provided, Lessons are broadcast through SABC, DSTV and well as OVHD Broadcast Platforms and Radio Stations across the countries to provide lessons remotely to learners.

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