Question NW1534 to the Minister of Basic Education  to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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04 August 2020 - NW1534

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Basic Education  to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What (a) is the total number of teachers who have not returned to schools after she directed that schools reopened since the lockdown was instituted to curb the spread of Covid-19 and (b) is the breakdown of the total number in terms of each school in each province?


(a) There are no reports of educators not returning to schools outside of the regulated absence which is either in terms of various leave provisions or as provided in terms of absence in line with the approved COVID-19 related absence. The latter would be educators at risk and those infected or affected.

(b) Refer to (a) above.

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