Question NW423 to the Minister of Tourism

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30 April 2020 - NW423

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to the SA Tourism Board Assessment Reviews, (a) what reviews have been initiated, (b) on what dates did the specified reviews (i) commence and (ii) conclude, (c) what was the outcome of each review, (d) what (i) were the recommendations in each case and (ii) was the reason for each specified recommendation, (e) what (i) recommendation was implemented as a result of such reviews in each case and (ii) was the reason for each such implementation and (f) how is the process being monitored in each case?


(a)What reviews have been initiated?

The Board conducted an independent evaluation of its effectiveness based on the Board Charter and

King IV best practice recommendations.


(b) On what dates did the specified reviews

(i) commence: September 2019

(ii) Report submitted to the Board: February 2020


(c) What was the outcome of each review?

The Minister is yet to receive a final report adopted by the board.


(d) What (i) were the recommendations in each case?

The final report with adopted recommendations has not yet been submitted to the Minister.


(d) (ii) What was the reason for each specified recommendation?

Not yet applicable


(e) what (i) recommendation was implemented as a result of such reviews in each case and

Not yet applicable


(e) (ii) was the reason for each such implementation and

Not yet applicable


(f) how is the process being monitored in each case?

Not yet applicable

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