Question NW359 to the Mrs V van Dyk (DA): to ask the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture

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06 March 2020 - NW359

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Mrs V van Dyk (DA): to ask the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture

1. (a) Why has a certain person from the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) (name and details furnished) been on special leave for almost 12 months and (b) what total amount has the specified person earned in this period; 2. Whether PanSALB has investigated complaints against the person; if not, why not; 3. Whether the Rakoma Forensic Report makes reference to the person; if so, how has the recommendations of the report been implemented by PanSALB?


1. (a). This particular employee was placed on special leave by the new PanSALB Board from the month of July 2019 to date. The employee was not placed on special leave for 12 months as misleadingly stated in the question. On appointment of the new Board, it was found that the employee was dismissed, and an appeal was subsequently filed to the Board. Upon review of his appeal, the Board agreed that even though the allegations that motivated his dismissal were serious, the process that was followed to dismiss him was procedurally unfair.

(b). The specified person receives a gross monthly salary of R89 010.52.

2. The new PanSALB Board, on its appointment, found that the Rakoma Forensic investigation into this employee and other matters was suspended by the former Executive. The Board has uplifted the suspension of the investigation and is vigorously concluding the investigation. The Board has, therefore, not implemented this forensic report because the service provider has not yet concluded its investigation.

3. The Rakoma Forensic Investigation is not yet completed, therefore no recommendations have been implemented.

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