Question NW1080 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

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28 October 2019 - NW1080

Profile picture: Madlingozi, Mr BS

Madlingozi, Mr BS to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

Whether the Government and state-owned entities pay royalties each time the national anthem is (a) sung at inter alia official state events and sporting events, including international sporting events, and/or (b) printed in documents; if so, (i) who (aa) do the rights of the South African national anthem belong to and (bb) receives the royalties and (ii) what total amount has the State paid out to royalties since 1 January 2009?


The government and state-owned entities do not pay royalties each time the national anthem – (a) sung at inter alia official state events and sporting events, including international sporting events, and/or (b) Is printed in documents;

(i)(aa). The rights of the South African anthem belongs to the State;

(bb). No one receives nor collects royalties;

(ii). No amount was paid.

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