Financial and Fiscal Commission Annual Report briefing
NCOP Finance
11 October 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
11 October 2007
Chairperson: Mr T Ralane (ANC, Free State)
Documents Handed Out
Financial and Fiscal Commission Annual Report 2006/2007 [available at]
Financial and Fiscal
Commission Annual Report 2006/2007 presentation
Audio recording of
The Financial and Fiscal Commission presented its Annual Report. to parliament by way
of a glossy hard copy and a summary of the report with reference to slides
shown. The Chairperson tabled the strategic objectives, key performance areas,
targets and performance results and noted that examination of performance by
the Commission as against its objectives, the adoption and implementation of a
Supply Chain Management system, and the implementation of internal controls was
work in progress. He added that he felt that the work and function of the
Commission should not be viewed in isolation, but against the supply of
services to its stakeholders. He then noted the challenges faced, and the
problems as he saw them.
It was noted that the Commission was trying to in source, and certain
expenditure was highlighted and explained. This included a change in policy by
Department of Public Works in relation to paying accommodation costs. There was
an attempt to insist upon proper financial practices. Remarks were made about
the personnel, and the attempts to strengthen the internal capacity of the
Members had interrupted at several points during the presentation to note that
the glossy report and the slides did not comply with the report required by the
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and to comment that there was little value
in what had been presented, as it could not be related back to plans or
objectives. Specific questions were asked about the staff bonuses, the lack of
compliance with the reporting required by legislation, the fact that there was
an overdraft, that the audit committee members were serving members of Council,
the vision and mission, and the apparent lack of planning. The Commission was
asked to explain its references to a culture of authoritarianism. Although the
report looked impressive, most Members were dissatisfied with the information
it conveyed, and were further concerned that the obligation to report properly
to Parliament was apparently not being taken seriously enough. Several
questions raised in previous years had not received attention. The Committee
went into caucus for a while, and on reconvening
announced that the Committee was unhappy with the report. The Commission was
requested to produce a report within seven working days that attended to all
the problems raised by the Committee and to satisfy this Committee about its
Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Annual Report 2006/7 Briefing
Dr Bethuel Setai, Chairperson and CEO, FFC, tabled a glossy copy and summarised
version of the Annual Report of the FFC. He noted the founding and authorising
legislation. He tabled the strategic objectives, key performance areas, targets
and performance results and noted that examination of performance by the FFC as
against its objectives, the adoption and implementation of a Supply Chain
Management system, and the implementation of internal controls was work in
progress. He added that he felt that the work and function of the FFC should
not be viewed in isolation, but against the supply of services to its
stakeholders. Therefore the work in relation to HIV-AIDS and Broad based Black
economic empowerment (BBBEE) were also to be viewed as work in progress.
Dr Setai said it was necessary to adopt a forward looking strategy and an
evaluation of the culture of the FFC. He felt that this, based on reports by
the internal and external auditors, was currently too authoritarian or
autocratic. He noted that there were certain challenges faced by the FFC, and he would think
it necessary to place more emphasis on the corporate identity and persona of
the FFC, which was currently outsourcing
far too much of its research and activities. He felt that the FFC was reactive
and not pro active, and that this was “an accident waiting to happen”. The
corporate and research roles must be combined, so that they produced solid
research. Heads of Departments had been appointed for both Macroeconomics and
Intergovernmental Fiscal Review (IGFR) research, and he believed that
performance in these areas would improve.
Data analysis was another area which could be improved upon, and two
strong appointments had been made, which not only improved the capability but
also the employment equity profile of the FFC. In respect of two aspects,
Macroeconomics and Data, the IGFR was not working properly. However, he sounded
a note of caution that any new appointments would also require additional and
improved library services with appointment of more librarians. There was also
the possibility of using existing departments to provide a broader range of
services, and doing more internal training.
Mr D Botha (ANC, Limpopo) interrupted the report at this point. He noted that
the glossy report and the slides accompanying Dr Setai’s “verbal perambulations
through the Report” in fact did not comply with the report required by the
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and he commented that there had been
little value in what had been said so far.
Ms D Robinson (DA, Western Cape) tended to agree with Mr Botha.
Mr E Sogoni (ANC, Gauteng) pointed out the differences between the written
report and the oral presentation, and requested a copy of the notes from which
Dr Setai was reading.
Mr Mavuso Vokwana, Chief Financial Officer,
FFC, noted that the FFC was trying to save expenditure by in sourcing so
that there would be a workmanlike businesslike atmosphere created. He cited as
an example the fact that there had been no provision for guarding of the offices
nightly and over weekends and public holidays, and although the budget had been
increased by R270 000 he felt that there was a potential saving. Additionally
the FFC had budgeted for increases for services at the published inflation rate
but some service providers were increasing their fees at above-inflation rates,
which affected the FFC budget. Executive remuneration was in line with the
inflation rate and amounted to R1 6 million.
Mr Sogoni wanted to know whether these service providers who had increased
their rates at above inflation levels had been paid.
Mr Vokwana conceded that they had been paid.
He added that he was endeavouring to impress upon all concerned that whatever
was entered into the general ledger must have supporting documentation. National
Treasury knew of some of the problems being encountered by FFC and was awaiting
its responses. In the meantime all discretionary spending had been stopped and
the Finance Department was being re organised, and certain structures were
being re-arranged.
Mr Vokwana apologised that the presentation was not in line with the
requirements of the PFMA. He noted that
pages 95 and 110 of the Annual Report contained important detail, and said that
the personnel cost analysis also confirmed that those leaving the FFC were
being replaced by new recruits. These included budget analysts and IT
specialists, and an Executive Manager and the Knowledge Management Library
Centre (KMLC) was being upgraded.
Mr Botha again interposed and said that although the slides and accompanying
figures were impressive he considered them meaningless as what was being
conveyed was not related to anything.
Mr Sogoni pointed out the presentation was difficult to follow as it was not
drawing clear parallels and was disjointed.
Ms Robinson noted that it also appeared to be rather repetitive.
Mr Vokwana continued by pointing out that additional expenditure in the report
was occasioned as a result of the announcement by the Department of Public
Works that it would no longer continue to pay for FFC’s rent and repairs and
maintenance of buildings.
Mr Mashumi Mzaidume, General Manager,
FFC, then addressed himself to the compliance aspect. He said that the Auditor
General (AG) had been aware of constraints, but had nonetheless provided an
unqualified audit report for the FFC. The staff turnover was being addressed by
the internal Human Resources Department, which was working on a retention
strategy so as to address all these issues. The apparently-excessive change of
senior management was occasioned by the Manager concerned moving internally to
another post, rather than leaving the FFC, which created an opportunity for the
gender imbalance to be rectified by appointment of another female. He was of
the opinion that the FFC was carrying out its mandate by producing good quality
reports and that there was a concerted effort to rely less on outsourcing and
more on an internal strengthening of the FFC
Dr Setai added that FFC had had a problem with training and he had an
appointment with the Director General of Treasury to raise and discuss these
very issues.
The Chairperson interposed and said that he was concerned that there were still
questions to be asked, but that due to lack of clarity many issues could not be
properly addressed.
Mr Botha said that it seemed to him that bonuses were paid to the staff
irrespective of their performance, merely as a routine. He asked whether
the Executive Chairman and the Chief Financial Officer had been accorded
bonuses, and if so, for what effort, especially as the Chairman was the head of
the Audit Committee.
Mr Botha noted that page 93 of the Annual Report appeared to indicate that
members of the Audit Committee were in fact Council Members, and that this is not in accordance
with the PFMA or good governance principles.
Mr Botha was concerned that the Internal Auditors, far from doing their job, were not in fact doing any job. FFC was not
allowed to operate with an overdraft, yet had an overdraft with the bank.
Dr Setai said that the internal auditors were in fact an external firm hired to
perform the internal audit function, whilst the main audit was done by another
firm. This was being reexamined with a view to saving costs. The question of
the Council Members being members of the Audit Committee had not been
questioned before but would be looked at.
Mr Botha was unable to see from the Report what the Charter of the FFC was.
A Member asked about the vision of the FFC. It was said to be world class in a
global market, but he enquired what standards were used as a measurement. He
further asked what the FFC was doing to comply with the requirements of Supply
Chain Management principles (SCM), and whether all assets were reflected in the
Asset Register.
Mr Sogoni commended the FFC on an impressive looking report, but expressed his
severe reservations with the contents.
Mr Sogoni was concerned that there seemed to be lack of planning, and no
adherence to PFMA principles. He was concerned about the apparently sudden
decision by Department of Public Works. He enquired what were the goals of the
FFC and whether any goals were set. He wanted to know what the vision was. He
asked for an explanation of the core function, and whether this had been
decided upon by the FFC itself.
Dr Setai said that describing the core function of the FFC was problematic as
the FFC was dependent upon their stakeholders and other interested parties and
serve as required.
Mr Sogoni asked, with regard to the staff members who had departed, why they
had left.
Dr Setai stated that the HR Department was being expanded and skilled so as to
give savings on personnel costs, and the same applied to the IT specialists. Dr
Setai said that retention of staff was regarded as a major challenge as the staff were professionals, who were much sought after and in
limited supply. It was hoped that on going training would counteract this loss
of staff. Restructuring as mainly of the finance department
Mr Sogoni added that he had many other questions arising from the report and
reserved the right to further raise them. He reminded Members that the
Committee had previously expressed more than several reservations about the
quality and content of the reports tendered, and it seemed to him that these
previous concerns had not received any attention in the current report. He
asked if this was because Parliament was not taken seriously the reporting
institutions and the FFC itself. He noted that originally the FFC had been
mandated in terms of the Interim Constitution, but it seemed to him that the
values, as expanded and solidified by
the Constitution, had not been espoused by the FFC. If there had not been
external donations to the FFC its financial position would be worse then
reflected in the report.
Ms Robinson agreed that the report was beautifully and expensively produced,
but that the contents left much to be desired and the Committee needed greater
The Chairperson said that several questions had been raised in previous years
and yet had not received attention. He was particularly interested in the
reference to a culture of authoritarianism or autocracy, and enquired when this
had begun. He noted that FFC had been set up post 1994 when the values were
opposed to authoritarianism or autocracy.
Dr Setai noted
that the authoritarianism was not a management style within the FFC, but had
been cited in relation to the research. He came from the university environment, where the
researchers were free to take up whatever interested them or whatever they were
mandated or hired to do. However, the researchers at FFC were not free to
embark upon research in this way. They responded reactively in their research.
He was attempting to change this so that in addition to their tasks the
researchers produced their own research. This research would have to compare
favourably with, if not set the standards for, research worldwide. Seminars
might be the way to go.
Mr Botha noted that he required an answer to the overdraft, which was contrary
to legislation, the lack of administration in terms of the PFMA and the
councilors serving on the audit committee.
Mr Sogoni asked about the retention strategy, stating that he considered the
FFC to be “bleeding” personnel. He believed that the FFC should be put to terms
to respond to these serious questions.
Mr Sogoni said he was not happy with the answers provided and asked himself
what would be the position in twenty years time when all the current FFC
Council Members would have probably disappeared. If any questions were asked
then, the documents and reports could not explain what was
the function of the FFC.
Dr Setai then said that he agreed with all the observations, comments and
questions and he would be re orienteering the FFC so
that in future these questions would not need to be asked. He noted that the
vision of FFC was to produce research which would match the standard of that of
any other research institution in the world, not that they were trying to
re-invent matters. The FFC enjoyed a good relationship with the AG, and felt that
the FFC were on
the right track.
Mr Mzaidume added that he noted the concerns raised by the members but felt
that as the Treasury Rules and Regulations were ambiguous,
the FFC did not know exactly what was required of them. FFC believed it was
satisfactorily attending to its mandate.
Mr Sogoni disagreed. Basic principles, and lessons
could be learned very easily from legislation like the PFMA. This Act and its
regulations very clearly set out what was required. It seemed that the
Chairperson and employees had not taken the elementary step of reading the PFMA
Act, let alone understanding it.
Mr Mzaidume noted that one of the challenges facing the FFC was the PFMA and
the reporting strategy required.
Mr Vokwana said that the FFC now understood the importance of PFMA. In answer
to the question of bonuses, he said that the decision to pay bonuses was taken
by the FFC Board. He added that supply chain management compliance was a work
in progress. The assets were listed in the asset register and the Auditor General’s
remarks related to the fact that proper depreciation of the assets, in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). was not done. The personnel costs and the associated bonuses
were paid because it was felt that value was added to the FFC. Additionally
there was a procedure for watching the income and expenditure quarterly or
monthly so as to be able to pick up on excessive or unwarranted expenditure,
but it was late in the financial year that Department of Public Works announced
their change of policy with regard to rent and associated expenses, and so
these were unforeseen expenses that had distorted the books of account.
Mr Mzaidume added that the overdraft was run with the concurrence of National
Mr Sogoni asked that the Audit Committee be changed to comply with the PFMA Act
and good governance principles.
The Chairperson asked if the organogram set out in the report was correct.
Mr Botha again noted that the organogarm showed that the Council Members were
members of the Audit committee and asked whether this was illegal or merely
The Chairperson said that clearly membership of the Audit Committee was a
problem and he wanted it rectified.
Messrs Botha, Sogoni and Robinson all expressed further unhappiness with the
The Committee went into caucus. On reconvening, it announced that the Committee
was unhappy with the report presented, which did not do justice to the respect
that should be accorded to the Committee by reporting institutions. The FFC was
given seven
working days within which to produce a report which attended to all the
problems raised by the Committee this afternoon and to satisfy this Committee
about the activities of the FFC.
The meeting was adjourned.
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