Integrated National Electrification Programme: Progress Report by Eskom & Department of Minerals & Energy
NCOP Finance
09 October 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
09 October 2007
Chairperson: Mr TS Ralane (ANC, Free State)
Documents handed out:
Presentation – Department of Minerals and Energy (DME)
Audio recording of meeting
The Chief Director and the Executive Manager of the Department of Minerals
and Energy briefed the Committee on the progress made on the Integrated
National Electrification Programme (INEP) during
2006/07 and the current financial year to date.
Details of the capital expenditure and number of connections per
province were provided for both the Municipal and the ESKOM programmes. During 2006/07, 99.7% of the allocation was
transferred and 72% of the targeted connections were achieved in the Municipal programme. For the
current financial year, 20% of the allocation had been transferred and 10% of
the targeted connections had been made.
During the previous financial year, the ESKOM programme
spent 97% of the allocated funds and provided 99% of the target for
connections. To date, 30% of the
allocated funds for 2007/08 had been spent and 30% of the target for
connections was achieved.
The provision of bulk infrastructure to provide electrification services in the
rural areas was in progress. Both the
DME and ESKOM acknowledged that the major challenge for 2007/08 was the
electrification of schools and clinics by the end of the financial year. The Department was confident that universal
access will be provided for clinics during the current year but delays were
experienced with schools as a result of inaccurate information received from
the Department of Education. It was
expected that all schools will be electrified by the end of the 2010/11
financial year.
Members of the Committee were concerned over the inaccurate information
provided to the DME and ESKOM and requested further details and lists. Questions raised included the extent of the
interaction between the various stakeholders, issues around the reversal of allocated
funds when projects were not completed in time and the reasons for the
underperformances by certain provinces that were reported.
Briefing by Department of Minerals and Energy (DME)
Mr Ompi Aphane (DME Chief Director, Electricity)
thanked the Committee for the opportunity to brief it on the progress made with
the Electrification Programme. He explained that the DME was responsible for
the programme and provided funding to licensed
distributors (primarily ESKOM) in accordance with the Division of Revenue Act
out of the allocation received from Treasury.
Mr Martin Masemola
(Executive Manager – Electrification Programme, DME)
briefed the Committee on the Municipal and ESKOM Programmes
(see attached document).
With regard to the Municipal Programme, details of
the capital expenditure (capex) per province for the
current 2007/08 financial year and the previous 2006/07 financial year were
given. The revised allocation for
2006/07 amounted to R391 million and a total amount of R390 million was
transferred. Year-to-date expenditure
amounted to R335 million. The allocation
for 2007/08 amounted to R467 million, of which R94 million had been transferred
to date. Year-to-date expenditure
(including municipal top-up funding) amounted to R63 million. The Free State, Gauteng,
Limpopo and North-West Provinces reflected no
expenditure during the current year but the Department was aware that projects
from the previous year were in the process of being completed.
The total number of household connections targeted for 2006/07 was 77,413, of
which 56,021 (72%) was achieved. The
target for 2007/08 was 66,756 and a total of 6,652 (10%) had been achieved to
date. Challenges with housing delivery
in Gauteng and Mpumalanga
resulted in the low achievement percentages in those provinces.
In respect of the ESKOM Programme, the total capex allocation for 2007/08 amounted to R973 million, of
which R313 million (30%) was spent to date.
This included the provision of bulk infrastructure to allow for
electrification in rural areas. Actual
connections achieved were 27,765 against a target of 93,324. A breakdown per province of the total
allocation, the expenditure and number of connections for households and for
clinics and schools for the current financial year was given.
The Department was trying to accelerate the schools and clinics programme and aimed to eradicate the backlogs over the next
two years as well as reaching the targets set for the current year. The Department of Education (DOE) had
provided a list of schools requiring electrification but it was found that some
of the schools on the list were already electrified. As a result, more time had to be spent on
verifying the list before implementation plans could be finalised.
An overview of the 2006/07 expenditure performance of the ESKOM programme was given.
Total expenditure to date amounted to R711 million (97%). For the previous financial year, 76,579
connections (99%) were provided.
In conclusion, Mr Masemole summarised the Department’s focus areas for the way
Mr Aphane reported that
there was close collaboration between ESKOM and the municipalities. There was regular interaction between the DME
and the Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG). The focus this year was to eliminate all the
backlogs for clinics and to provide universal access for all schools over the
next two years. The strategy of the DME
was to provide bulk infrastructure for the electrification of rural areas over
the next two years, at which time an increase in the number of connections
provided would be possible. A new policy
for the electrification of informal settlements was being implemented. The challenge was that delivery of the
housing programmes was out of sync with the demands
of communities for service delivery. The
Department was finding ways to electrify informal settlements provided that
certain minimum requirements were satisfied.
Ms Ayanda Noah (Managing Director – Distribution,
ESKOM) apologised for the absence of the Chief
Executive and introduced the delegates from ESKOM to the Committee. The major challenge was the electrification
of schools and clinics, where current performance was behind target. This was as a result of the late start
mentioned in the DME presentation, which impacted on the mobilisation
of resources. Another reason was the
distances involved in reaching schools and clinics situated in the rural
areas. ESKOM was committed to providing
the bulk infrastructure needed, particularly in areas like the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo where there were many backlogs. ESKOM acknowledged the challenges but was
confident that plans were in place and that the funds allocated will be spent.
The Chairperson asked for confirmation that the information provided in
the presentation was up to date as it was used when engaging with
municipalities. One of the problems
raised by municipalities was that ESKOM had a different list of indigents to
the municipal list of indigents. He
asked the delegates to comment on that issue.
The Chairperson requested a list of all the municipalities assisted during the
previous financial year as well as a list of the municipalities that will be
provided with funding during the current year.
He said that there was a tendency for municipalities to abuse their
borrowing powers and to make loans for electrification projects while funds
were available from the DME for this purpose.
In terms of their equitable share, they then compromised some of their
service delivery programmes. The report indicated that some municipalities
were not performing very well and did not complete the previous year’s
Ms D Robinson (DA) referred to the statement that connections were not made in
certain areas because bulk infrastructure was being built. She wanted to know which areas were
affected. She was concerned that
incorrect information about schools was provided. This indicated an administrative problem and
she requested further information to allow the matter to be investigated and
addressed. She commented that education
was already in dire straits and the delay in electrification of the schools
further compromised service delivery. She
requested a list of the affected clinics as well.
Mr B Mkhaliphi (ANC, Mpumalanga) noted the low levels of expenditure by certain
provinces and municipalities. He asked
how many municipalities were affected by the reversal of allocated funds. He remarked that it was important that
participation with municipalities took place when Integrated Development Plans
(IDPs) were formulated. He noted the increased level of participation
between the parties at the provincial level and asked to what extent the
Department participated at the local level.
He asked if the provision of bulk infrastructure included the upgrading
of the existing infrastructure as the quality of the power supply in certain
areas was not good and it was important to provide a reliable service.
Mr Aphane replied that
although the focus in the past was on expanding infrastructure, the Department
was considering the matter of upgrading the existing bulk infrastructure and
had submitted a proposal to the regulator to ring-fence an allowance from the
electricity tariff for the purpose of rehabilitation of the existing
Mr Aphane said that the DME
was required to make input in the IDP process.
With the exception of Gauteng, energy forums
were formed in all provinces where electrification and electricity-related
issues such as the provision of free basic electricity and the use of
alternative energy resources were discussed.
The Department had learnt a lot about the requirements of the
municipalities and the forums helped to eliminate friction. A list of municipalities that participated in
the forums can be provided to the Committee.
Mr Masemola explained that
the energy forums were led by the DPLG to ensure integration. Both district and local governments were
represented and their IDPs were submitted to the
energy forum. In certain provinces (for
example, Free Sate) there were district energy forums where municipalities were
In response to the question about reversal of allocations, Mr
Masemola explained that there were instances where
municipalities advised that a project would not be completed in a particular
year for some reason. In such cases, the
allocated funds were returned and re-allocated by the DME for another
project. The Department closely monitored
the projects and provided both technical and project management assistance.
In reply to the Chairperson’s question, Ms Noah explained that ESKOM received
the lists of indigents from the municipalities.
A possible explanation for the discrepancies in the lists was that ESKOM
and the municipality concerned had different versions of the list.
Ms Noah said that a list of municipalities that were assisted by ESKOM was
available. In addition, ESKOM sent
monthly reports to municipalities.
The Chairperson explained that the Committee required the lists of the schools
and clinics where inaccurate information was provided in order to take up the
matter with the relevant Department.
Mr Aphane remarked that the
quality of the information provided was also at issue. It was correct to list a certain school to be
in need of electrification but it was then found that the school had no
roof. There were also discrepancies in
the naming of schools and this had a further impact on the subsequent
maintenance and payment for electricity by the province. He undertook to provide the Committee with
the list.
Mr Masemola added that
certain of the schools on the list were found to be unsuitable for
electrification, e.g. it was built out of mud.
The Eastern Cape has 2200 schools needing electrification but many were
small schools that may be closed over the next two years. The DME was working closely with the DOE in
an attempt to ensure that at least 80 – 90% of the schools can be electrified.
Mr Masemola said that the
Department had a programme in place whereby
engineering students were used to assist municipalities with project
management. The larger municipalities
(e.g. Cape Town, Nelson Mandela and Polokwane) had
training facilities where students gained practical experience.
The Chairperson suggested that consideration was given to working with
municipalities when they formulate their budgets. Certain municipalities do not have Division
of Revenue Act allocations in their budgets.
The issue of the mud schools required further discussion as Government
may decide to eliminate them in future but the reluctance to electrify these
schools could be misinterpreted.
Ms Robinson said that there was a problem with the records kept by the
DOE. It was essential that
record-keeping was improved and it may be necessary for the DOE to report to
the Committee on this issue.
Ms Abbie Mchunu (IFP, KwaZulu Natal) reported that after a small community in KwaZulu Natal was connected, the meters were not read. Homesteads were billed for the same amount
every month, regardless of the amount of electricity used. She suggested that pre-paid meters would solve
this problem.
Mr ZS Kolweni (ANC,
North-West Province) wanted to know if the Department was able to detect cases
where municipalities abused their borrowing powers.
Mr Mkhaliphi said that when
municipalities were asked why they were not implementing their electrification
projects, the reply was that by the time they had completed their planning
phase, it was the end of the financial year and the funds were no longer
available. He requested clarity on this
The Chairperson referred to slide 3 of the presentation and asked for an
explanation of the difference between the year-to-date scheduled transfers and
the year-to-date actual transfers. He
asked why no expenditure was recorded for the Free State, Gauteng,
Limpopo and Mpumalanga
provinces and the relatively small amount of R378 000 transferred to Limpopo. With regard
to slide 5, the number of household connections achieved so far this year was
very low (10%) even though the funds were available. He wanted to know what the major problems
were. Slide 6 indicated an
underperformance of only 51% in Gauteng and 44% in Mpumalanga. He asked
for an explanation and what was being done about it.
In response to Mr Mkhaliphi’s
question, Mr Masemola
provided an illustration of the value chain and electrification project life
cycle. The first 15% was spent on
planning, followed by 80% for the provision of infrastructure, such as power
lines. The remaining 5% provided the
output, i.e. the connection to the household, school or clinic. He explained that delays occurred at the
municipal level because of the time delays from when project plans were
submitted (usually by October of the previous year), the allocation of funds
(in January), the identification of projects, submission to and approval from
the municipal council (a further three months) and the procurement process
(another three months). Actual
implementation of a project may only start in September and may not be
completed before the end of the financial year. Project life cycle may stretch over 12, 18
or 24 months.
Mr Masemola explained that
in cases where no expenditure was reflected, funds had been requested by the
municipality concerned, but actual expenditure had not yet been reported.
The Chairperson asked if the work was being done by ESKOM or by other
Mr Aphane explained that
the municipal programme was being discussed. ESKOM projects were done differently to
ensure that project expenditure was aligned within the budget period. He added that previously, the Department
allowed municipalities to roll-over projects from previous financial
years. The DME now monitored the
implementation of projects and reverses allocated funds if it was not being
spent. More attention was given to
ensure that the pre-engineering was done in an attempt to align project
expenditure to the budget period.
Mr Masemola said that a
longer planning cycle resulted in expenditure being incurred later in the
year. In certain cases, projects from
the previous year were being finalised before new
projects were implemented. The
Department assisted municipalities with planning on a monthly basis but had no
control over the procurement processes.
The Chairperson remarked that public education was needed as in many instances,
councilors did not report back to the community. Funds were available and the communities had
an expectation of service delivery.
Delays in implementation had to be communicated to the community. It was apparent that a range of issues required
further discussion with municipalities.
In response to Ms Mchunu’s question, Ms Noah said
that ESKOM usually provided pre-paid meters for electrification projects and
can assist with the conversion of existing meters to pre-paid meters.
The Chairperson concluded by stating that it was necessary to hold further
discussions with municipalities and the Departments of Education and Health in
order to enforce integration and to allow for improved planning.
The meeting was adjourned.
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