Committee Reports on Oversight Visits & Committee Budget 2007/8: discussion

Arts and Culture

11 September 2007
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

11 September 2007

Acting Chairperson: 
Ms P Tshwete (ANC)

Documents handed out:
Committee Budgetary Control Statement 1 April 2007 – 20 Aug 2007
Budgetary Control Support Statement
Process and Review Legislation
Invited Workshops/meetings
Draft Committee Report on Oversight Visit to Iziko Museum[available at Committee Reports once published]
Draft Committee Report on Oversight Visit to Afrikaans Taal Museum[available at Committee Reports once published]

Audio recording of meeting


The Committee postponed the adoption of its Reports on its oversight visits to the Taal Afrikaner Museum and Iziko Museums. A study tour to Cuba was suggested, but would be discussed further. The Committee’s Budget was discussed but not adopted, because the Committee Secretary would have to respond to questions regarding the drafting of the Budget and certain allocations at the next meeting. Minutes of previous Committee meetings were also considered and adopted, with amendments.

Committee Report on Iziko Museum Visit
The Committee decided not to adopt the Report, as certain grammatical and technical amendments needed to be effected. Members were requested to consider the Report further and to propose final amendments at the next meeting.
Concern were raised regarding the attendance of only three Members at the visit, all of whom were from the ANC. Mr M Sonto (ANC), who was involved in the visit, described the poor attendance as an “embarrassment”.

Committee Report on Afrikaans Taal Museum Visit
The Committee similarly decided not to adopt the Report on the citing a number of grammatical and technical amendments, as certain grammatical and technical amendments needed to be effected. Members were once again requested to consider the Report further and to propose final amendments at the next meeting.

Cuba Study Tour
The Acting Chairperson raised the prospect of a Committee Study Tour Visit to Cuba, as the Committee has never traveled beyond South African borders. She urged the new Chairperson to work towards achieving this goal over the next year, as budget constraints did not allow it for the current year.

Mr G
Lekgetho (ANC) stated that the trip would benefit the Committee, especially the Wall of Remembrance in Cuba and the criteria for inclusion on the wall.
Mr Sonto added that Cuba was also an inspiration in terms of its continuous fight against poverty, and the use of its culture as a resource. Those were good lessons for South Africa to learn.
Mr P Maluleka (ANC) suggested that the Committee could possibly combine its trips to Cuba and China, which was also rich in arts and culture. Such a combination could prove to be less expensive.
The Acting Chair ended discussions on the topic, and noted that the issue would have to be canvassed further with the new Chairperson of the Committee.

Committee Budget 2007/8
Ms D Van der Walt (DA) raised concern with an amount of R400 that was deposited into her back account  by the Committee Secretary, Ms T Cawe, for a trip to KwaZulu-Natal. The trip did not however take place because staff failed to confirm their ticket. She noted that Ms Cawe was however not present at the meeting.
Members traced the allocation of funds to Ms Cawe. They however disapproved of that practice by the Committee Secretary, especially that she compiled the Committee’s budget and submitted it to Mr G Doidge, Parliament’s Chairperson of Committees, without consulting any Members of the Committee.

It was noted that Ms Cawe would be present at the next meeting, and would then be able to respond to these questions.

The Committee briefly considered its Budget, and proposed certain amendments. The Budget was not adopted as Members were not involved in its drafting.

Other Committee business
Mr Lekgeto briefly reported back to the Committee on the Annual Reeds Dance Ceremony he attended, both on behalf of the Committee and in his private capacity, in KwaZulu-Natal. He financed the trip himself, , which was greatly appreciated by the Committee.

Adoption of Minutes
The committee adopted its minutes of previous meeting, with amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.



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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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