Sport Provincial Conditional Grants and CapEX: Third Quarter 2006/07 Spending
NCOP Finance
22 February 2007
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
22 February 2007
Chairperson: Mr TS Ralana (ANC, Free State)
Documents handed out:
National Treasury
presentation on Sport, Arts and Recreation
KwaZulu-Natal Third Quarter Report: Mass Participation
Programme Grants
Province Mass Participation Programme Grants
North West Department
of Sport, Arts and Culture presentation
Western Cape
Cultural Affairs and Sport presentation
Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation
Gauteng Conditional Grants Capital Expenditure December
Mpumalanga Province Report on Grants and Capital
Provinces had spent about 70% of their respective budgets. The normal spike
of spending towards the end of the financial year was happening a bit earlier
than usual.
KwaZulu-Natal had experienced capacity constraints
which had seen the Mass Participation Programme (MPP) start later than planned,
and also had delays in procuring equipment. Some municipalities had not signed
agreements with the province.
Limpopo reported underspending
due to the late implementation of the MPP, problems with procurement and the
late appointment of hub co-ordinators.
North West reported major underspending on its school
sports programme due to lack of co-operation with the Department of Education.
Municipalities were diverting funds intended for sports facilities to other
areas. A further problem was the lack of expertise in the department.
Western Cape still had several activities planned before the end of the
financial year. Equipment was also still on order.
The other five provinces were not present, although Gauteng
did tender a written presentation.
Members questioned the lack of business plans. Service agreements needed to be
signed. More co-operation was needed with the
Department of Education regarding school sport. The nature of the conditional
grant was discussed. Treasury might consider withdrawing funding if the
provinces were unable to spend the money.
National Treasury presentation
Mr Tony Phillips (National Treasury) compared the figures of the 2005/06
Financial Year to that of the 2006/07. In 2005/06, provinces had spent 70.6% of
their allocations, and the figure for the current year was 70.7%. He described
the March spike, which referred to the increased spending that took place
towards the close of a financial year. R 1.2 billion had been spent in the
first nine months. The projection was that all provinces would spend their
budgets with the possible exceptions of Northern Cape and Mpumalanga.
There was now a rush to spend the budgets before the end of the financial year,
as only 51% of the budgets had been spent in the first nine months.
The Chairperson questioned the four provinces present on the meaning of capital
Mr D Botha (ANC, Limpopo)
suggested that the provinces did not know the meaning of capital expenditure.
He asked if they had any business plans.
The Chairperson said that for the awarding of the conditional grants, business
plans were needed. National government needed to know what the expected
outcomes were. Attention had to be paid to the upgrading and creation of
sporting facilities in previously disadvantaged and rural areas. As this was
not obvious, he needed to know where the money was going. He found himself in a
quandary when questioned by the press. There was a dilemma in funding, and he
wondered if funds should not be redirected to more deserving areas if they were
not going to be spent. The national department must persuade financial
authorities that money could be spent by the provincial sports departments. The
picture for 2006/07 was still bleak.
KwaZulu-Natal presentation
Ms Sumayya Khan (Head of Department (HoD), KwaZulu-Natal (KZN)
Department of Sport), said that the province had spent R 13.65 million to date,
which represented 73% of its budget. One reason for underspending
was a capacity constraint. Its MPP was due to have begun in April 2006, but had
been delayed until July. Logistical problems had been experienced, especially
with the procurement of equipment. The Department had tried to follow the
supply chain management model, but some companies which offered tenders were
unable to supply what they had promised.
She said that up to 40 hubs had been established. Each had between five and ten
activities. The number of volunteers had increased. The majority of
municipalities in the province supported the programme and there was an
increase in activities. During the third quarter, 395 people had been trained
in sport and recreation administration. There had been training for 390
coaches, and first aid and life skills training had been conducted. Support had
been given to 571 clubs. All in all, over a million persons had benefited from
the programme.
Ms Khan added that the programme was being managed by the office with the
assistance of coaches throughout the province. Four regional co-ordinators had
been appointed who also acted as hub co-ordinators. Regular meetings were held,
but there were administrative constraints. Skills development and training had
to be looked at. Some municipalities had not fully embraced the programme.
By the end of the third quarter, 64.53 % of the budget had been spent and she
hoped that the full budget would be spent by the end of the financial year
(FY). Much of this was committed in the form of salaries. Equipment should be
delivered by the end of the FY. Other areas would be prioritised, such as the
training of volunteers. Cash flow was being monitored on a weekly basis.
Hub games and festivals would be held in February and March. Capital projects
were taking place in partnership with municipalities. R 14 million had gone
towards facilities. Of this R 8 million had been spent by the end of the third
quarter, which was 57% of the capital expenditure budget. Payments were made on
the basis of progress. Certain agreements were due to be signed the next day.
The Chairperson commented on the five municipalities that had not signed
agreements. Sport and Recreation Departments were only agents in the process of
building stadiums. Most municipalities were unable to spend all of their
infrastructure budgets. Clarity was needed on the relationship of Sport and
Recreation funding to the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) as to what money
was being used for which purpose.
Limpopo presentation
Ms Mashamba (MEC, Limpopo)
said that her province’s presentation would focus on the Siyadlala
campaign, and handed over to her HoD.
Ms Msangeza (HoD, Limpopo Sport and Recreation) said that hubs had been
created in each district of the Limpopo province.
There were five of these, but they were looking at increasing this number.
There were 35 co-ordinators in the provincial capital, 35 in Kopane and between 26 and 28 in Venda. There were also six
at the Department’s office, and a total of 175. Capacity building was taking
place. There had been training for 779 coaches and referees, and basic
administrative training for 106 persons. The programmes were continuing.
Ms Msangeza said that MPP2 had been launched at 84
schools in collaboration with the Department of Education (DoE). There was a
difficulty in that the service level agreement with DoE was problematic,
although there was some progress.
She said that there was a challenge in expenditure. To date, 57% of the funds
for MPP1 had been spent but only 29% of the funds for MPP2. This did not
include other commitments, delivery of which was expected by 15 March. She
expected that 100% of the MPP1 funding would be used, but only about 90% of the
MPP2 funds. Reasons for the underexpenditure included
the late approval of MPP2. There was also a problem with the procurement
process. Co-ordinators were appointed late, and some were leaving already. The
challenges were to find more co-ordinators to be deployed in the new FY, and
recruitment was already under way. The supply chain management process should
also be expedited.
North West presentation
Mr N Duma (MEC, Sports, Art and Culture, North West)
said that in terms of the MPP, his province had created 24 hubs in four
districts. They had looked at social problems and challenges. The hubs should
contribute towards fighting the challenges faced by the community such as
crime, teenage pregnancy, HIV, poverty and unemployment. They faced a challenge
of recruitment. Training had been presented for basic sports and recreation
management, coaches, referees, event managers, life skills and volunteers.
He said there was a challenge of conceptualisation amongst the community,
leadership and councillors, especially those in charge of sport. Several
meetings had been held to discuss the program, but the underspending
was about 50%. In school sport, the under-performance had been to the order of
55.5%. The main reason had been a delay with the local DoE getting together
with their sports counterparts. Even now, the DoE was still not 100% on board.
School hubs were being established.
Another challenge was the stipend paid to the volunteers. Many had been lured
away by more lucrative offers and had to be replaced. This was a monthly
occurrence. Payment systems were also difficult as there was a lack of
communication between the different systems. Equipment was still on order, and
he was confident that the budgets for both the MPP and school sports would be
spent by the end of the final quarter.
Mr Duma said that a meeting had been held the
previous week to analyse the spending patterns of the different municipalities
in terms of the MIG. Of the 22 municipalities in the province, only four had
used the MIG for sport facilities. These were the better-off municipalities who
were self-funding. The rest all had other priorities, and sports facilities
were not considered in favour of housing, roads, water supply and so on. He did
not see any change in this trend in the future, as there were still huge
backlogs in these sectors. He felt there was a need to review the use of the
The second challenge was that the Department of Sports, Art and Culture was not
designed for sport. When facilities were built the Department had to interact
with outside artisans. An in-house capacity was needed. Even the Public Works
Department was outsourcing. Much of the capital budget was directed to the
building of libraries, and infrastructure for cultural activities was needed.
He did not see the arts making an impact on the budget.
The Chairperson said that new money for libraries would be channelled directly
to the provinces rather than the municipalities. The Division of Revenue Bill
would also have an impact when passed. More money was also being set aside for
the film industry.
Western Cape presentation
Mr Mxolisi Linde (HoD, Culture, Arts and Sport, Western Cape) said that the
Western Cape had been allocated R 12.1 million. Of this R 7.25 was channelled
towards the Siyadlala programme and the rest towards
school sport. The Department had established 31 hubs and nine clusters of
schools. By the end of the third quarter 62.37 % of these allocations had been
spent which represented 50.42 of the total budget. These figures did not
include several activities which had been held during the December school
holidays. Expenditure incurred with the training of sports assistants would
only be reflected in the final quarter expenditure. Responsible factors were
the slow placement of MPP contracts. It had taken some time to cover the six
Mr Linde said that a number of activities were
planned for February, including several festivals and athletics events. The
scheduling was often out of the department’s hands and was instead dictated by
the school calendar. Areas had been identified where activities would be rolled
out, and outlets would be put in place. The Department wanted to avoid the
situation where nothing happened in the first quarter of the FY. Equipment had
been ordered, and he expected delivery by early March.
The Chairperson recognised the challenges presented by the provinces, but said
that certain mindsets existed which needed attention.
Mr Botha noted that the Western Cape had spent only
50% of its budget. Outstanding commitments meant nothing. In the North West, agreements
with the DoE were not in place. There was a need to bring these activities
under one roof, as South Africa was not a federal state. He questioned the
equipment orders, and wondered if deliveries would indeed be made before the FY
cut-off at the end of March. If not, roll-overs would result. He observed that
the KZN presentation was directed at the National Assembly rather than the
National Council of Provinces. There did not seem to be any real understanding
in terms of spending. He asked if these expenses were included in the
province’s business plan. Municipalities were not signing service agreements,
but this must be done before money could be allocated to projects. It seemed to
him that money was being transferred to municipalities without a service
agreement being in place. Some of the municipalities had shown that they were
unable to spend their own money. He asked if facilities were included in the
Integrated Development Plan. He asked if the branding and promotion material
mentioned by Ms Khan had been delivered by 10 February. Real facts were needed.
He was glad to see a new hard broom in the MEC’s seat
in Limpopo. Nevertheless he was unhappy with the
province’s 2006/07 performance. Perhaps this would come right, and the
Committee had to give the MEC support. He stressed that the nature of this
Committee was support rather than policing. More money was on its way for
sport, but he wondered how the provinces would be able to handle the increased
funding on the current figures. Provinces needed to submit honest reports.
Mr A Manyosi (ANC, Eastern Cape) said that the main
issue seemed to be inferior planning. All the lamentations reflected poor
initial planning. Interaction was needed with the different role players. There
was an issue of ring-fencing allocations for sports facilities, as these seemed
to be disappearing into the MIG. This was not only the case in North West, and
had been raised in other fora as well. The indicated
outputs were not necessarily the outcomes. He asked if the departments’ efforts
were not just producing paper expenditure. The DoE should not be so concerned
about the entry of sport into their domain. Talented young players were the
potential professional players of the future. He was disturbed by the way the
funds in the Western Cape had been allocated in equal sizes amongst the
different regions. The equal allocations reflected a one-size-fits-all
approach. Over the years there had been an emphasis on equity, but some redress
was now needed.
The Chairperson asked how equitable the conditional grant was. He did not want
to see an uneven allocation perpetuated. The rural areas had to benefit. The
issue kept coming up. He asked from where the stipend was coming, as there
seemed to be no retention of the trained assistants. He asked whether the
Department of Sport and Recreation (SRSA) or the DoE was responsible for school
sport. While the government needed and talked integration, he asked why the DoE
found it so difficult to get involved. He sketched a model of a school with
everything, including sports facilities. There was also an Infrastructure Grant
to Provinces, and there was money available in this resource. Assets were not
being delivered. He asked the reason for the late approval of the MPP in some
areas, and about the lack of business plans. KZN hoped to spend their budget,
but the issue should be reality rather than wishes.
Ms Mashamba said more needed to be done to foster the
relationship between Sport and Education. This had been addressed at Cabinet
level. It should also be dealt with at provincial cabinet level. It looked like
the DoE was protecting its own turf, although it could be a wrong impression.
However, learners were being deprived of opportunities to become involved in
sport. The model of the complete school and the planning process were key to what needed to be done. Planning was a problem. She
asked where the jurisdiction was for school sport. There was a joint
responsibility for the provincial Sport Department to play a meaningful role.
She asked if there was a uniform approach to stipends among all provinces. It
was a departmental role to create jobs in a meaningful manner. Officials would
be haunted by the fact that they had not delivered, as they were following a
mindset of waiting to be told what to do. The time had come to deliver.
The Chairperson said that in the Eastern Cape there were many clinics that had
been built without any roads leading to them. An integrated approach was
needed. Provinces had a tendency to
parachute projects into an area without any supporting infrastructure. There
was an urgent need for planning. The Integrated Development Plan was reviewed
Mr Duma (MEC, Sports, Art and Culture, North West)
said that school sport was a partnership with the DoE. There was an agreement
at national level, which should have cascaded down to the provinces. The issue
was commitment, which was lacking at the DoE. Sport was not the key role of the
DoE, which had its own pressures to deliver on its own key issues. This was not
a problem of politicians fighting each other, but rather a question of a
department concentrating on its core business. Equipment supply was on
adjudication. He disagreed that the picture was bleak. He agreed that forward
planning was a problem in government. About three months were needed to start
implementing the budget. His department was attending to this problem
seriously. An acute problem was that the provincial government and
municipalities had different dates for their respective FY’s. This should be
co-ordinated. He wanted the spending patterns to change. He asked whether the Siyadlala campaign was primed towards recreation or talent
The Chairperson said that in the fourth quarter there would be a joint meeting
between Sports and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) and DoE. There was a direct
link between the two functions, and the question was how to harness funding.
The matric results should not be seen in isolation.
Ms Khan said that there was a co-operation agreement which provided for the
joint use of facilities. While agreements had not being signed, it did
sometimes happen that facilities were sometimes not available. The provincial
Department was working with municipalities to identify the poorest areas, where
there was the most need for development. The MPP was benefiting the people of
KZN in terms of job creation. Some went on to permanent jobs. Often the stipend
was the volunteer’s only income. School Sport was an exciting programme. There
was some co-operation with their counterparts in the United Kingdom, and skills
transfer projects were being undertaken. International exposure was happening.
She felt the need to re-introduce the culture of physical education to schools.
The supply chain management process was in place. Funds had been committed and
equipment orders had been placed.
Mr Linde said that the MPP was contributing
positively towards the social ills in the province. Their had
been positive consequences in terms of drug abuse. The school sports programme
interfaced with school safety programmes. Good results were being seen. The
province had to ensure that efforts were intensified to satisfy the conditions
of the grant. Certain plans were in place to deal with the equipment issues.
Orders were placed, and he would ensure that delivery took place within two or
three weeks. Funds were being allocated to the rural areas, and figures were
dictated by areas where support was needed. The province needed to see how much
consultation was needed in order to lead up to a decision. The activities
happening at present would help the Department to reach its budget target.
The Chairperson asked what the link was between school and mass sport.
Mr Greg Fredericks (Chief Director, SRSA) was puzzled by what was happening on
the ground as opposed to expenditure. There was evidence that the communities
were participating in numbers. The Portfolio Committee had said that the
programme was exploding, but expenditure seemed to be lagging. It was not
correct that provinces were only now asking for equipment. Money was
transferred according to cash flow. The area of equipment procurement was a
minefield. Quality was a major issue. For example, no soccer balls were
manufactured in South Africa. Imports came from India and Korea.
Mr Fredericks said that more than 1 300 people had been trained as volunteers.
He feared that some youngsters would see this as a job. A lot was spent on
training, and it was disruptive that volunteers took up other employment.
However, this could be seen as SRSA’s contribution to
job creation. People were flocking to make use of these opportunities and not
just the youth.
He said the Minister had raised the question of the allocation of funding. SRSA
had spoken to the provinces. Local authorities felt that they should get the
money for capital projects. He disagreed, but would consider it if the local
authorities gave sport a greater priority in terms of their MIG spending. The
silo mentality was being broken down. A joint MinMEC
meeting was planned where the territorial problem would be discussed.
Mr Fredericks said that physical education should fall under the DoE. However,
he felt that competitive sport, even at school level, should fall under SRSA.
The programme should rather be referred to as Sport in Schools rather than
School Sport. The joint MinMac should address this
question as well.
While programme assistants were paid stipends to cover their expenses, they
were not employees. They offered a service only, and should not consider this a
job. The first prize would be to absorb these people into SRSA when and where
The equitable share formula initially gave the same amount of money to all
provinces. They were now working on an equal base, with the rest of the grant
being decided on the equitable share formula. Nothing was being given to the
provincial departments for capital expenditure.
The MPP was seen as being a programme for all ages, shapes and sizes. It was
recreational in nature, and initially non-competitive. Two programmes had emerged, one sports based
and the other activity based. The latter was a resounding success, but was
generally being turned into a sports-based programme. As people became more
competent in basic skills, they needed to move on. Therefore SRSA had
instituted a Club Development programme to cater for people wishing to further
their skills in a particular sporting code. There was a danger of people
dropping out of sport if they were unable to compete at a higher level.
The school sports programme was used to develop the skills of players, coaches
and officials. Six target codes had been identified. The stipends for the
volunteers were paid out of the conditional grant.
Mr Fredericks said that provinces complained that they had no capacity. At a
meeting with National Treasury, it had been stated that not all the funds could
go to stipends. Money from the equitable share grant should be used instead.
Some of the money had been diverted to high performance programmes.
He said that it was untrue that approval of business plans had been late. This
was guided by the Division of Revenue Bill, and approval had been given on 5
February. This should be completed. Provinces were not planning to spend. This
situation could only improve.
Ms Julia de Bruin (Chief Director: Social Services, Public Finance: National
Treasury) said that it was her job to ask the Minister for money. She had to
answer for the provinces. She was not here to punish the citizens. The grants
were for development funding. It was clear that the provinces knew what the
outcomes should be. It would up to the Minister to decide whether to withdraw
funding or not. She assumed that all stakeholders had been consulted on all
aspects. A meeting had been held in June. A business plan was required to
receive the conditional grant. She assumed that all provinces started their
planning cycle on 1 April.
The issue of supply chain management was a government-wide problem. A harder
look had to be taken at financial management issues. Bad payments were an
issue. The Public Finance Management Act stipulated that invoices should be
issued not later than 30 days after delivery.
She said that SRSA believed that the provinces could spend their budgets.
Provinces should employ someone to administer the grant to ensure it was
managed properly. Outcomes could then be better monitored. Stipends were paid
as part of the national youth service. These people did not have a job, but
were volunteers who received some money to cover their expenses, and should be
seen as being in training for some future employment.
Ms de Bruin reiterated that the conditional grant was not intended to cover
capital works. There was a huge lack of coordination between municipalities and
provincial departments regarding the conditional grant. There was also a lack
of coordination with the DoE and Public Works.
She said that the system had to work with the business of provinces. The idea
was to start with a smaller conditional grant, and consideration should be
given to reducing the current figure. She was the bleeding heart of the
Treasury, but needed honest feedback in order to put pressure on the
decision-makers. There were a lot of requests on SRSA. Support was needed,
while capacity building and monitoring must all happen. She would consult with
the provincial treasuries regarding spending.
The Chairperson said matters would be resolved before the Division of Revenue
Bill was passed. One extreme was to allocate all funds up front, in which case
the unspent money could sit in the bank. The other was to take back all unspent
funds and give them back to the provinces in small chunks. There would be a
possible constitutional problem with the latter approach. SRSA should be
satisfied that the provinces had the capacity to spend before disbursement took
place. He was happy that the conditional grant had started small and had been
increased as the situation improved. However, it still looked like the
provinces were struggling.
The meeting was adjourned.
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