Deployment of SANDF to Democratic Republic of Congo

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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


18 August 2006

Mr T Ralane (ANC)

Relevant Documents:
Letters from the President

The Committee did not have a quorum and could not take any decisions. The Chairperson announced that the Committee had been invited to a show and lunch by Denel on 25 August. It would need to meet with the Department of Defence on 14 and 15 September to try to resolve problems arising in the HR and pensions administration, which were very briefly outlined. It was unfortunate that this clashed with a meeting of the Peoples Parliament in Oudtshoorn and the Whip would be asked to deal with this clash.
The Chairperson stated that the Committee had not reached a quorum and so could not take any decisions. The meeting would be an informal one and another meeting would be convened on 25 August 2006 when decisions on the Letters from the President and the Committee programme would be taken. Members would be encouraged to come to the meeting.

The Chairperson announced that the Committee had been invited to Denel's annual show and lunch. The final list of those attending would be decided on 25 August and sent through to Denel.

The Committee would need to deal with some problems with the Department of Defence on 14-15 September. Some problems had become apparent in the special pension's section and the human resource section with the military veterans. It seemed that some laid off from the military service as veterans still appeared in the HR system. Some who were eligible for pensions had not been retired. The two systems were not working together properly and this needed to be rectified.

Ms A Van Wyk (ANC) stated that the 14 -15 September visit to the Department of Defence clashed with people's parliament in Oudtshoorn.

The Chairperson replied that he intended to ask the Whip to deal with this issue because there would be a backlog next year if the Committee could not attend. The issue had not been handled for a number of years and many had not benefited as they should.

Mr P Diale (ANC) stated that there had been many veterans who did not get benefits. He also commented that he personally had a problem in regard to taxation matters.

The Chairperson stated that these problems occurred countrywide and needed to be dealt with.

The meeting adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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