Restructuring: Department of Correctional Services

Correctional Services

18 March 1998
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

18 March 1998

This meeting was not minuted but the following document covers fully what was presented at the meeting.


The post establishments of the 6 Prison Services (Former Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei, Kwazulu and RSA) was rationalized in 1994 into one post establishment for the South African context.

1.2 Due to the time span since the previous investigation regarding the post establishment of the Department, restructuring was identified as a strategy to be performed during 1997/1998.

1.3 It was decided to follow a top down approach. Head Office was restructured, followed by Provincial Offices. Management Areas are currently being investigated.

2.1.1 The restructuring of Head Office was concluded up to Director Level. Implementations are nearly complete. The posts at Head Office were reduced from 650 to 569 with a saving of R2 828 291.

2.2.1 The proposed structures and post establishments of the Provinces were investigated and discussed with the Provincial members and Provincial Management.

2.2.2 The post establishments of the Provincial Offices will increase from 589 to 639 with a financial implication (shortfall) of R9 225 155.

2.2.3 Management is in the process to take a decision on the proposed post establishments of the Provincial Offices as well as the financing of the shortfall.

2.3.1 Guidelines to determine the post establishments, were developed with inputs from Directors at Head Office, Provincial Managers and Area Managers.

2.3.2 These guidelines were tested at Baviaanspoort, Pretoria and Boksburg Management Areas.

3.1 The Department of Correctional Services must be structured in such a manner as to ensure the following.
* The cost-efficient delivery of a correctional service to the people of the Republic of South Africa
* The safe custody of persons in it's care
* The humane detention of such persons
* The provision of development services for offenders
* The re-integration of the offender into the community
* The supervising of offenders in the community
* The cost-efficient utilization of it's resources.

3.2 The post establishment, the manner in which it is compiled and the organization of duties in terms of the proposed post establishment, must be communicated.

3.3 Local circumstances must be taken into account with the application of the guidelines.

3.4 The restructuring exercise must be effected within the bounds of the present financial implication. If necessary, funds will be negotiated for additional posts.

3.5 The emphasis should be on the line function with the creation of posts.

3.6 The post establishment must provide for an absenteeism allowance of 15% of production personnel (this is in accordance with internationally accepted practices).

3.7 The post establishment must provide for the employment of disabled persons to a total of 2% of the total establishment.

3.8 The post establishment must therefore give an indication as to which posts may be filled by disabled persons.

3.9 The implementation of the post establishment, or any part thereof, must be preceded by the necessary training of personnel in it's application.

3.10 The post establishment must be accompanied by appropriate and standardized functional, job and procedural description.

3.11 The post establishment should provide for clear lines of communication and authority.

4.1 The actual revision of Management Areas took place from 20 January1998 to 13 March 1998.

4.2 The Work Study Officials that were involved with restructuring will meet during the period 16 March 1998 to 27 March 1998 to:
* compare and finalize the structures and post establishments of the different Management Areas.
* Calculate the post establishment of the Management Areas. This will include the following:
- 5 day post establishment
- weekend post establishment
- 7 day post establishment
- fixed and valuable components.
* Calculation of the backlog.

4.3 The proposed post establishment and structures will be discussed with all relevant personnel at Provincial and Head Office level.

The restructuring of the Department will be concluded at the end of March 1998.

From April 1998 the new structures and post establishments will be implemented within the financial boundaries of the Department.

Due to the increase in the number of prisoners, an increase in the post establishment of Management Areas are fore cast.

The Department State Expenditure will be requested for additional funds to finance the extension of post establishments at Provincial Level and the post establishment that is forecasted at Area Manager level.

Restructuring is an ongoing process and auditing on all posts and structures will start from the middle of 1998.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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