Appointment of the Auditor General
29 October 1999
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
29 October 1999
Five candidates were shortlisted for the appointment of Auditor- General, and will be interviewed before 17 November 1999:
- Mr Hilmi Daniels, an accountant with a master's degree, working in his private practice in King Williams Town. He previously worked for the Eastern Cape government as a consultant, as well as for the Department of Justice.
- Mr Shauket A Fakie, Deputy Auditor-General in the Office of the Auditor-General, from Pretoria, with previous working experience in Australia.
- Mr Fafie Fortune Mc Kenzie, a Chief Director of Financial Management, from Pretoria. The Department of Justice employs him.
- Mr Singa M Mgqwala from Pretoria. He has worked for the Eastern Cape Government, and for the Department of Finance as Director of Treasury.
- Mr Nkosemntu Gladman Nika from Sandton. He is the General Manager of Eskom. He has previously worked at Shell, Anglo and Arthur Anderson.
Mr Mc Kenzie and Mr Daniels did not receive unanimous support from the committee. The chairperson suggested that the referees supplied by the candidates be contacted, and be requested to supply the committee with a written reference. The names of the referees will remain anonymous to this committee. It was suggested that references be obtained from the candidate's employers. A committee member objected to this, because it could place candidates in an awkward situation at work, especially in circumstances were the employer is not aware of the candidate seeking other employment. Members felt that conferring with current employers will not be appropriate, and therefore agreed that previous employers, and the referees supplied by the candidates would be contacted for references.
The committee accepted the shortlist. The chairperson said that it is unfortunate that no women candidates were shortlisted, and this is a reflection of a male dominated profession.
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- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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