Meeting postponed: Eastern Cape Oversight Report; Committee Reports on DSAC Quarterly Per-formance
Meeting report
The Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture met virtually to consider and adopt the 2023/24 2nd - 4th quarter performance for the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC); consider and adopt the 2024/25 1st quarter performance for DSAC; and to consider and adopt Committee minutes.
The Committee resolved to postpone the meeting to a new date that would be communicated by the Secretariat. That was due to the fact that the meeting did not reach a quorum, with only five Members in attendance.
The Chairperson said that there was a possibility that the next meeting that would consider those documents would be next Wednesday, but that would be confirmed.
He then said that to ensure efficiency, Members should go through the documents which were already shared by the staff and come prepared with any amendments at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
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McGluwa, Mr JJ
Jacobs, Mr LC
Makgato, Ms MP
Mmolotsane, Ms ML
Salie, Adv S
Al Jama-ah
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