Report of the Select Committee on Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of Khutsong Petition

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

26 November 2024
Chairperson: Mr O Mokae (DA, Northern Cape)
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Meeting Summary


The Committee met on a virtual platform to consider and adopt its  Reporton the hearing of Khutsong Petition. Numerous corrections were made to the wording of the items in the Report to ensure accuracy of the sentiments and recommendations recorded therein regarding the Khutsong Petition.

Meeting report

The Chairperson began by welcoming the Members of the Committee, all assisting officials and public stakeholders joining the virtual session. He clarified that the meeting was intended to be done in-person, but due to its limited agenda and challenges of space at Parliament, it was decided that the virtual platform would be used.

Following the agenda, the Chairperson asked the Secretary of the Committee if there were any apologies.

The Secretary noted he received no apologies.

The Chairperson noted an apology via WhatsApp from Adv. IM Nonkonyana (ANC, Eastern Cape), who stated that he would likely be unable to attend because his flight was scheduled during the time of the meeting.

In response, Mr N Gotsell (DA, Western Cape) raised his confusion since the meeting was confirmed to be happening a week before the date. He expressed that failing to make travel arrangements on time was a poor excuse not to attend the meeting and asked for clarification on the procedure for excusing oneself.

The Chairperson noted his qualm and clarified that procedure at the time dictated that one produced a written apology unless Members felt the need to dispute this process.

The Chairperson asked Members if anyone would like to move for the adoption of the agenda for this 26 November 2024 meeting.

Ms J Mananiso (ANC, Gauteng) greeted all present and moved for the adoption of the agenda.

Once prompted by the Chairperson, Ms D Medupe (ANC, North West) seconded the movement to adopt the agenda.

 Report of the Select Committee on Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings on the hearing of Khutsong Petition,

The Secretary scrolled through each page.

Ms Mananiso proposed that the word “the” be removed from the title of item 6 in the draft Report. After making that change the title would then read “Consideration and adoption of Draft Khutsong Petition Report.”

The Chairperson moved on to item 9.1 about the deliberations. Members discussed how to expedite the processes for management and resolving the sinkholes in the Khutsong Local Municipality by further engaging with the listed spheres of government.

In response, Mr P Noe (ANC) referred to bullet one of item 9.1. The bullet stated that “by calling the Office of the Premier regarding a progress report on the undertakings made in the 2024 State of the Province Address.” He proposed that the wording be changed from “calling the Office of the Premier” to “[inviting] the Office of the Premier.”

The Chairperson recalled that the Committee deemed all parties mentioned in item 9.1 to be key stakeholders in the matter: the Office of the Premier, Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) and the Merafong City Local Municipality.

Mr Noe questioned the wording of “Gauteng Department of [COGTA] – guarding the Committee on budget allocation made…” Specifically the use of “guarding.”

The Chairperson proposed replacing the word “guarding” with “to account to.”

Ms Mananiso agreed with Mr Noe’s proposal to change “calling” to “inviting” and the Chairperson’s idea to instead say “to account to.” She raised the point that in addition to the stakeholders already included in item 9.1, parties like the Department of Environment and the province’s executive should also be called to action.

The Chairperson asked the Secretary to edit the Report during the session and reminded him of the amendments to be made to item 9.1. He added that bullet two must be specific and say instead, “Gauteng Department of [COGTA] – to account to the Committee on their interventions as well as budget allocations made…”

In regards to bullet three, the Chairperson asked the Secretary to specify that the Merafong Municipality, political leadership – the mayor and her team - and administrative leadership - the MM and his team - must account for allegations made against the office and monies unaccounted for.

Ms Mananiso reminded the Committee and Chairperson that the West Rand Municipality must also answer for their actions or plans to act for the potholes in the Khutsong area.

Mr Noe directed his input to item 9.3 of the Report. He asked for clarification regarding the other unidentified chairperson mentioned in the item. The item read “the committee members encourage the committee chairperson to engage with its chairperson to…”

The Chairperson answered that the other chairperson referred to the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on COGTA, as the matter of the Khutsong potholes was brought before that committee as well. The chairperson of this committee and the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on COGTA must collaborate and work together or divide up the work, but both committees must be in agreement on their roles in the matter.

Mr Noe jokingly said there is no need to be succinct.

The Chairperson told the Secretary there is no need to be succinct; the Report must be specific.

Mr Noe brought up repetition in the Report. He asked whether this repetition was necessary.

Ms Mananiso agreed with Mr Noe that the wording was repetitive and that the repetition could be removed.

Ms Medupe directed the Chairperson’s attention to item 9.2, a point she raised at the meeting of 19 November. She felt that the Report could better capture the fact that the Committee called for the Auditor-General (AG) to audit monies not a part of the “normal budget” allocated to the municipality. It would be easy for money to go unaccounted for if it was obtained during the financial year. But at the end of the financial year, those monies would raise concerns. She felt it pertinent to call for the AG’s authorisation of such monies.

The Chairperson instructed the Secretary and Ms Medupe to converse via WhatsApp to ensure that this point is included in the Report to ensure the document accurately captures the Committee’s recommendations.

In the Zoom chat box, Ms Mananiso said that the Committee must request an audit report regarding the financial year of projects undertaken by the municipality.

Mr Gotsell wrote that he agreed.

Ms Mananiso encouraged the Committee to invite the Municipality and AG to come before the Committee and discuss the transparency of their funds and budgeting.

Mr Noe emphasised item 9.2 succinctly conveyed Ms D Medupe’s point raised earlier.

The Chairperson said that for him, there is uncertainty about whether those funds formed part of the audit. If they did not form part of the normal audit, an additional audit must take place. Thus, he proposed the sentence elaborate to say that an additional audit must take place only if it is found that the monies were not a part of the normal audit.

The Chairperson informed the Members that the Committee will have to get approval from the House Chair of Committees, since any action the Committee would like to take must be approved. This ensured that their actions were a part of the programme. Thus, the report would be adopted, go to the House and thereafter, all relevant communication, including necessary dates, will be sent out. Only then will the Committee be able to see the necessary stakeholders to deal with this petition efficiently. 

Ms Mananiso asked for more content to be added to the Chairperson’s closing remarks in the Report, so that it would accurately reflect the meeting of that day.

The Chairperson expressed his reliance on the Secretary to elaborate and capture the Committee’s recommendations and commitment to dealing with the Khutsong Petition.

The Chairperson concluded and asked for a mover for the adoption of the Report.

Mr Noe moved to adopt the Report

Ms Medupe seconded the adoption of the Report.

The Report was adopted accordingly. See full Report here 

The Chairperson encouraged the Committee with their work on this petition. That they move with speed in their actions and deliberations.

The meeting was adjourned.


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