Committee minutes
Meeting Summary
The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and the Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development met jointly to consider and adopt minutes of previous joint meetings. The minutes from 15, 22, and 23 October were considered and adopted.
Meeting report
Chairperson Pule welcomed Members. She informed the Committees that the purpose of the meeting was to consider and adopt the minutes from previous joint meetings. Chairperson Pule indicated that the Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development would first consider its relevant sets of minutes. Thereafter, Members of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture would remain behind to address the minutes specific to their Committee.
Ms Albertina Kakaza, Committee Secretary, Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, outlined the agenda for the meeting. She stated that the Joint Committees would consider and adopt the draft minutes from meetings held on 15, 22, and 23 October 2024. She further explained that a separate set of minutes from the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, relating to a meeting held on 15 October 2024 in the afternoon, would also be considered.
Adoption of the Minutes
Minutes dated 15 October 2024
Mr W Aucamp (DA) moved to adopt the minutes, and Mr M Nhanha (DA) seconded the motion.
Mr A Mngxitama (MK) requested the Chairpersons to note the rejection of the minutes by the Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) party and asked for the objection to be formally recorded.
Minutes dated 22 October 2024
Mr Nhanha moved for the adoption.
Mr Aucamp seconded the motion.
Chairperson Pule handed over to Co-Chairperson Mncwango to proceed with the next set of minutes, noting that it was the penultimate set before the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture would convene separately.
Minutes dated 23 October 2024
Chairperson Mncwango welcomed the Members once again and thanked Co-Chairperson Pule. He requested the Committee Secretary to present the final set of minutes for consideration and called for a motion for adoption.
A Member moved the adoption, and Mr Aucamp seconded the motion.
The minutes were duly adopted.
The Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development was recused from the meeting as the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture proceeded to adopt one set of minutes.
Minutes dated 15 October 2024
Chairperson Pule requested a mover for the adoption of the minutes.
Mr Aucamp moved for the adoption, and Ms S Lucas (ANC) seconded the motion.
As this was the last set, Chairperson Pule thanked the Members for their contributions and the meeting was adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related
No related documents
Mncwango, Mr MA
Pule, Ms DD
Adams, Ms R C
Aucamp, Mr W
Davids, Ms S
Lucas, Ms SE
Mahlatsi, Mr LW
Mngxitama, Mr A
Mrara, Mr M
Nhanha, Mr M
Trollip, Mr A
Action SA
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