Election of Co-Chairpersons

Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interest

14 November 2024
Chairperson: Ms L Makhubela (ANC) and Mr J Britz (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee elected Ms Lusizo Makhubela from the National Assembly (NA) and Mr Joseph Britz from the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) as joint co-chairpersons.

The Committee deals with matters relating to the ethical conduct of Members and whether they disclose their financial interests. The Joint Committee must:

  • implement the Code of Conduct for Assembly and permanent Council members 
  • develop standards of ethical conduct for Assembly and Council members
  • serve as an advisory and consultative body, both generally and to members, concerning the implementation of the Code
  • regularly review the Code and make recommendations for its amendment
  • perform the other functions and exercise the other powers reasonably assigned to the Committee in the Code and in terms of resolutions adopted in both Houses 

Meeting report

Adv Anthea Gordon, Procedural Officer, opened the meeting and welcomed Members. She said that no apologies had been received, while noting that one member of the NA had not yet been sworn in.

Adv G Breytenbach (DA) and Dr J Hlophe (MK) moved and seconded the meeting agenda.

Election of Chairperson

Adv Gordon noted that there were 19 members, and there was, therefore, a quorum. She highlighted that in terms of Joint Rule 160, two Co-Chairpersons must be elected, one from the NA component and one from the NCOP component. In this light, she opened the floor for nominations.

Mr M Mokwele (ANC) nominated Ms Makhubela (ANC) as co-chairperson of the NA component. Mr M Billy (DA) seconded the nomination.

Subsequently, Mr N Ndhlela (MK) nominated Dr Hlophe as Co-Chairperson of the NA component. Ms M Makesini (EFF) seconded the nomination for Dr Hlophe.

Based on the 14 out of 19 votes favouring Ms Makhubela, the committee elected Ms Makhubela as Co-Chairperson of the NA component.

The Committee then considered nominations for the NCOP component's co-chairperson. Adv Breytenbach nominated Mr J Britz (DA), and Mr B Nodada (DA) seconded the nomination.

Subsequently, Mr J Malema (EFF) nominated Ms Makesini as Co-Chairperson of the NCOP component. Mr Ndhlela seconded the nomination for Ms Makesini.

Based on the 14 out of 19 votes in favour of Mr Britz, the committee elected Mr Britz as Co-Chairperson of the NCOP component.

Adv Gordon handed over to the newly elected co-chairpersons.

Ms Makhubela thanked the members and acknowledged the leadership with which she has been entrusted, noting that with responsibility comes issues of ethics. She reminded the Committee that as leaders, they should embody unquestionable ethical leadership. She closed by stating that ethics on its own are a function of leadership and that no leader of society should lead if they are unethical.

Mr Britz began by thanking the DA for nominating him and thanked the members of the Committee for placing their trust in him. He emphasised that South Africa deserves a Parliament to be proud of. He highlighted a trust deficit between South African society and Parliament and said the blame for this could be placed on the past conduct of Parliamentary members. He emphasised that the 454 members of Parliament are responsible for restoring trust, confidence, and pride, which can be done by members being ethical, even when no one is watching them to ensure they are doing the right thing. He stated that members of the Committee would be held to high standards to set the example of expected decorum and ethical behaviour inside the Houses, its Committees, and outside of Parliament.

He concluded by encouraging the members to put the true meaning of "honour" back into "honourable members." He said that he looked forward to working with the committee and its administration and envisioned that they would set a new bar of compliance and ethics in the 7th administration.

Ms Makhubela said that they had come to the end of the open session and requested that those in attendance who had not taken the oath of confidentiality please exit the meeting so that the members could continue with a closed session.

The meeting continued in a closed session.


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