Finalisation of Statistics Amendment Bill
Meeting Summary
The Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation convened to finalise the Statistics Amendment Bill [B31-2023]. The Chairperson stressed the need to swiftly address the Bill due to the impending end of the parliamentary session. Parliamentary Legal Services provided a detailed overview of the proposed amendments, focusing on key changes related to access to statistics and inspection of premises.
The DA raised objections to Clause 9.
The Bill and Committee Report on the Bill was adopted, noting the reservation of the Economic Freedom Fighters and objection by the Democratic Alliance.
Meeting report
The Chairperson, Mr Q Dyantyi (ANC), extended a warm welcome to all present. He noted that the meeting marked the first engagement of the Committee for the last term of the 6th Parliament Administration. He noted the term’s brevity due to the impending rise of the National Assembly by the end of March 2024. He explained that the purpose of the meeting was to conclude previous discussions on the Stats Amendment Bill and adopt it. The early start time of 08:00 was attributed to a joint workshop scheduled for 09:00, focusing on the MPs' pension fund, which was deemed relevant to all attendees regardless of their future in Parliament.
The Chairperson announced the absence of any recorded apologies and proceeded to introduce the next agenda item.
A List and B List Versions of the Statistics Amendment Bill [B31-2023]
Ms Phumelele Ngema, Parliamentary Legal Advisor, efficiently presented the Committee's progress. She confirmed and explained the proposed amendments and clarified the reasoning behind each change. Moreover, she highlighted grammatical corrections and substantive amendments, particularly regarding access to statistics and the inspection of premises.
Ms Ngema concluded by highlighting the importance of adopting both versions of the Bill and the Committee report to finalise the process. (see attached versions)
The Chairperson thanked Ms Ngema for her presentation and commended the Members for their attentiveness. He then invited brief comments from the Members before proceeding to the adoption of the presented items.
Mr B Pillay (ANC) moved to adopt the Bill, which Adv M Mothapo (ANC) seconded.
Ms S Graham (DA) expressed her objection to adopting the Bill unless Clause 9 of Section 15(2) is not included.
The Chairperson acknowledged Ms Graham's objection, noting it for the record, and proceeded to the next agenda item.
Report of the Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation on the Statistics Amendment Bill [B31-2023]
Mr Julius Ngoepe, Committee Content Advisor, presented the Committee Report on the Statistics Amendment Bill, where reference was made to the A List and B List versions. He explained that the Committee had deliberated on both lists. Instead of reading through the report page by page, he summarised its contents, highlighting the background of the Bill, the parliamentary process undertaken, including consultations with the other entities associated with the Bill, and the adoption of the motion of desirability. He noted that on 16 February 2023, the Committee had adopted amendments to lists A and B. The report also documented minority views, with the Democratic Alliance objecting to the amendments, specifically clause nine (section 15) of the Bill, while the Economic Freedom Fighters reserved their position on voting for the amendments. See Committee Report here
The Chairperson thanked the Members for their corrections and invited further amendments before proceeding to the adoption of the report.
Ms Graham raised a clarification regarding the objection of the Democratic Alliance to Clause 9 of the Bill, emphasising that the DA’s objection was specific to that clause and not the entire Bill.
Mr Pillay sought clarity on the Democratic Alliance's objection, prompting a discussion on recording their objection accurately.
The Chairperson ensured clarity on the Democratic Alliance's objection, acknowledging that it was specifically related to Clause 9 of the Bill.
Ms Graham further clarified the DA’s objection, repeating that it was only in relation to Clause 9 and not the entire Bill.
The Chairperson summarised the discussion and invited a motion for the adoption of the report.
Adv Mothapo and Mr Pillay moved and seconded the adoption of the report, respectively.
The Chairperson confirmed the adoption of the report, noting the reservation of the Economic Freedom Fighters.
Mr M Manyi (EFF) said that the Economic Freedom Fighters reiterate its reservation on the matter.
The Chairperson acknowledged the reservation and announced the report's progression to be tabled in the National Assembly.
Mr Ngoepe confirmed the subsequent processing of the report.
The Chairperson concluded the meeting, thanking the Members and support team.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Dyantyi, Mr QR Chairperson
Graham-Maré, Ms SJ
DA -
Manyi, Mr M
MK -
McGluwa, Mr JJ
DA -
Mothapo, Adv MR
Pillay, Mr KB
Yabo, Mr BS
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