Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: Committee Report

Budget Committee (WCPP)

29 November 2022
Chairperson: Ms D Baartman (DA)
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Meeting Summary


The Budget Committee met briefly to consider reports from the oversight committees of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament on the budget votes of the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill.

The 14 reports were considered individually before the report of the Budget Committee on the Bill was adopted. The Budget Committee reported that it supported the Bill. The ANC and Al Jama-ah expressed their minority view to not vote for it.

Meeting report

The Chairperson said the purpose of the meeting was to consider and adopt reports from the different committees on the budget votes of the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill.
She advised the Committee that she would read every vote to ensure it was procedurally correct.

Thereafter there would be consideration and adoption of the Bill.

Committee reports: tabling and adoption
Vote 1: Premier

The Standing Committee approved the Vote 1 Adjusted Budget.

The ANC reserved its view.

Vote 2: Western Cape Parliament
Vote 2 was approved by the Committee.

The ANC reserved its view.
Vote 3: Provincial Treasury
The Committee supported the Vote.
The ANC and Al Jama- ah parties expressed their minority view not to vote.
Vote 4 : Community Safety
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 5: Education
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 6: Health
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC and EFF expressed their minority view not to vote.
Vote 7: Social Development
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC and the Economic Freedom Fighters expressed their minority view not to vote.
Vote 8: Human Settlements
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote.
Vote 9: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 10: Transport and Public Works

The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 11: Agriculture

The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 12: Economic Development and Tourism

The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC and Al Jama- ah expressed their minority view not to vote.
Vote 13: Cultural Affairs and Sports
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC expressed its minority view not to vote.
Vote 14: Local Government
The Committee reported that it supported the Vote. The ANC and EFF expressed their minority view not to vote.
The Chairperson asked for views on the totality of the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B3-2022].

Support for the Bill was moved by Mr R Mackenzie (DA) and seconded by Ms C Murray (DA).

Ms N Nkondlo (ANC) said that the minority view of the ANC was not to support the Bill. 

The Chairperson asked if Mr L Mvimbi (ANC) was present in the meeting and whether he was tabling the ANC’s vote as a permanent member.

Mr Mvimbi said that Ms Nkondlo was within the rules in raising her views as an alternate member.

The Chairperson said that when two Members were present in the same meeting, the permanent member had the authority to move the vote.

Mr Mvimbi said that he would vote. 

The Chairperson thanked Mr Mvimbi and asked Mr G Brinkhuis (Al Jama-ah) for his views.

Mr Brinkhuis said that their view was not to support the Bill. He stated that there would be further increases in inequality and six to seven million people would suffer.

The Chairperson thanked Mr Brinkhuis and stated that she foresaw future debates. She asked the procedural officer to place on record that she supported the Bill. She read the report for adoption.

The Committee reported that it had concluded its deliberation on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B3 -2022] and supported the Bill. In accordance with Standing Rule 90,
the ANC and Al Jama- ah expressed their minority view not to vote.
She asked for adoption of the report

Mr Mackenzie moved for adoption and Ms Murray seconded  

The Chairperson said the report had been adopted.

The Committee proceeded to adopt the minutes from previous meetings.

Ms Nkondlo raised a question about one set of minutes which stated that a motion by Mr Mckenzie had been adopted and one by Mr Mvimbi had been dropped. That resulted in a lengthy discussion during which it was explained that Mr Mvimbi’s motion was dropped because there was no seconder for it.

Questions were raised about the attendance register for one meeting and the minutes of that meeting were held over for attendance to be checked. 

The Chairperson thanked the Committee for their hard work and support during the year. She trusted they would be refreshed when they returned in 2023 for a fun-filled finance year ahead. 

The meeting was adjourned.


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