Children`s Amendment Bill: Final Mandates & Committee Report, with Minister
Meeting Summary
The Select Committee convened on the virtual platform to consider the final mandates of the Children’s Amendment Bill Sec 76 [B18B-2020]. Minister Lindiwe Zulu was in attendance.
With the exception of Gauteng, eight provinces voted in support of the bill.
The accompanying Committee report was also adopted.
Meeting report
The Chairperson greeted members on the platform and indicated that the meeting would be brief.
The Chairperson read out the meeting agenda, and this was adopted
Children’s Amendment Bill Sec 76 [B18B-2020]: Final Mandates
The Chairperson asked the Secretary to assist the Members because the signal was not good and Members were on their phones.
Eastern Cape
The Committee Secretary read out that the province voted in favour of the bill and mandated the delegate to vote in favour of the bill.
Free State
Mr I Ntsube (ANC, Free State) voted in favour of the bill.
The Committee Secretary read out that the province did not support the bill.
The Committee Secretary read out that the province voted in favour of the bill.
Mr E Nchabeleng (ANC, Limpopo) said the province voted in favour of the bill.
Ms E Nkosi (ANC, Mpumalanga) voted in favour
Northern Cape
Ms D Christians (DA, Northern Cape) said the province voted in favour of the bill.
North West
The Committee Secretary read out that the province voted in favour of the bill.
Western Cape
The Committee Secretary read out that the province supported the bill.
The Chairperson noted that the outcome is that eight out of the nine provinces voted in favour of the bill. Thus, the final mandates on the Children’s Amendment Bill were adopted.
The Chairperson welcomed and acknowledged the presence of Minister Lindiwe Zulu.
Consideration and adoption of Committee Report
The report of the Select Committee on Health and Social Services dated 15 November 2022 was flighted to the Committee. After going through the report, it was duly adopted.
The Chairperson then invited Minister Zulu to make remarks.
Minister Zulu thanked Members for having agreed to convene such a late meeting. Before she could finish, she was disconnected from the platform due to bad signal as she was on the road.
Other Matters
The Committee agreed that the adoption of committee minutes would be deferred to its next scheduled meeting.
The Committee’s scheduled oversight trip has been postponed and the matter will be picked up in 2023.
The Chairperson thanked everyone in attendance and adjourned the meeting.
Gillion, Ms M Chairperson
Bara, Mr M R
DA -
Christians, Dr. DC
DA -
Lehihi, Ms SB
Luthuli, Ms SA
Nchabeleng, Mr ME
Ndongeni, Ms N
Nkosi, Ms NE
Ntsube, Mr I
Zulu, Ms LD
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