Children’s Amendment Bill Processing Programme

NCOP Social Services

06 September 2022
Chairperson: Ms M Gillion (ANC, Western Cape)
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Meeting Summary


The Committee considered is programme for processing the Children’s Amendment Bill.

Meeting report

Programme on Children’s Amendment Bill

The Committee Secretary took Members through the programme on the Bill which would be dealt with by the Committee during the current and fourth term. The Committee would have the first briefing on the Bill next week, 13 September 2022.

As the Bill was a section 76 Bill, there would be provincial public hearings in October (17-21). On 25 October, the negotiating mandates would be considered with final mandates considered on 1 November following which the work on the Bill would be complete.

In November, the Committee will be dealing with the Annual Reports of the departments.

The Committee was still waiting to hear from the embassy about the proposed study tour to South Korea at the end of November.

Mr E Nchabeleng (ANC, Limpopo) asked that accommodation be found in the cities where the public hearings were held – this would be easier for Members.

The Committee programme was adopted.

Committee minutes dated 23 August 2022 were considered and adopted.

The meeting adjourned.  

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