Western Cape Liquor Authority Board: interviews and recommendation

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Meeting Summary


The Standing Committee convened on a virtual platform to interview eight shortlisted candidates for the Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority. They were: Ms C Abdoll; Mr S Ndwandwa; Mr A Ariefdien; Mr XD Gwala; Mr J Louw; Mr G Morris; Ms N Potelwa; Mr H Stander. The Chairperson explained that there was only one board vacancy at the moment.

During the interviews, candidates were asked to identify major challenges the Western Cape Liquor Authority was facing; what efficiencies the candidate could contribute to the board. Candidates were asked to demonstrate how their experience and expertise could benefit and make a meaningful contribution to the board. Candidates were also asked to provide strategies on how they would balance the economic benefits of the liquor industry against its harmful impact such as alcohol abuse; their understanding of the key responsibilities of a well-functioning board; and the  self-sustainability of the Authority.

Thereafter the Committee met in camera – according to WCPP Standing Rule 72 – to deliberate and choose a candidate for the vacant position on the Board. The Committee reopened the meeting to adopt its Committee Report that a decision had been made. The names were not publically stated according to Committee resolution (in terms of Standing Rule 72), but the names were submitted to the Provincial Minister of Community Safety in an official letter.

Meeting report

The Chairperson stated that alcohol has always been associated with negative activities such as crime in the Western Cape. This meeting was to interview candidates for the Governing Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority. He indicated that in terms of Rule 72, the meeting would be closed to the public for 13 minutes to assign interview questions before it reconvened to interview the candidates. It was noted that one nominee had submitted an apology and had withdrawn from the interview process. Eight candidates were to be interviewed for the day.

On reconvening, each interview started with the introduction of the Committee members. The Chairperson would ask the candidates to provide an introduction about themselves and briefly explained why they had applied for the position. After the conclusion of each interview, the Chairperson informed the candidates of the process that would follow the interviews.

The responses to the question are available on the video.

Candidate 1: Ms C Abdoll
Ms D Baartman (DA) asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies the candidate could contribute, if appointed.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) asked what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr M Kama (ANC) asked what in the candidate’s view should be a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority.

Mr Mackenzie asked how the candidate planned to change the negative perception of alcohol as endangering society given the candidate had emphasised that point in her response.

Candidate 2: Mr S Ndwandwa
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies the candidate could contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked what experience the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked what in the candidate’s view should be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority board.

The Chairperson asked if the candidate believed that the Western Cape Liquor Authority could be self-sustainable.

Candidate 3: Mr A Ariefdien
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked what in the candidate’s view should be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority board.

Candidate 4: Mr XD Gwala
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked what experience the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked what in the candidate’s view should be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority board.

Mr Kama noted the candidate’s input on the harms of alcohol and his proposal to continue the programmes already in place. He asked how the candidate plans to balance the harms of alcohol and the industry’s economic contribution to the national economy.

Candidate 5: Mr J Louw
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked the candidate what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked what in the candidate’s view should be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority board.

Mr Mackenzie asked the candidate to indicate how the candidate would do things differently if appointed given his experience and understanding of the White Paper, funding, as well as his views on alcohol abuse.

Candidate 6: Mr G Morris
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what the candidate would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority board.

Mr Kama asked the candidate if the renewal of liquor licence could be implemented in the same way as the renewal of a driver’s licence.

Candidate 7: Ms N Potelwa
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked the candidate what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked the candidate what the candidate would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Governing board.

Mr Mackenzie noted the candidate’s experience in the legal profession. He asked what the candidate would do to practically to develop a strategy to address alcohol abuse.

Candidate 8: Mr H Stander
Ms Baartman asked the candidate to identify the major challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority as well as the current efficiencies which the candidate would contribute to the board.

Mr Mackenzie asked the candidate what expertise the candidate would bring to the board.

Mr Kama asked what the candidate would consider to be the main responsibilities of a well-functioning Western Cape Liquor Authority Governing board.

The Chairperson asked the candidate to make his closing remarks.

That concluded the interviews.

Closed session to deliberate and recommend candidate for WCLA Board.

The Committee reopened the meeting to adopt its Committee Report that a decision had been made. No names were publically stated according to Committee resolution (in terms of Standing Rule 72), but the recommendation was submitted to the Provincial Minister of Community Safety in an official letter.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting.



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