Committee Report on Department of Social Development Annual Report

Social Development (WCPP)

03 December 2021
Chairperson: Mr G Bosman ( DA)
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Meeting Summary


The Standing Committee on Social Development convened virtually to consider Committee business. The Committee adopted its report on the Annual Report of the Western Cape Department of Social Development for 2020/21, the minutes for the previous sitting and its programme for next year.  

The Committee had invited the Gender-Based Violence Monitor SA, as well as the Provincial Minister and Department of Social Development, to discuss the GBV in the Western Cape.  The invitations could not be honoured, due to scheduling conflicts. A new date would be found early in 2022.

Meeting report

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the meeting and reminded them of the rules for the online meetings. He called on Members to use the "raise hand" function should they wish to say something and to identify themselves.

At this juncture, Ms Nomonde Jamce, Committee Procedural Officer, informed the Chairperson that Ms N Bakubaku-Vos (ANC) and Ms R Windvogel(ANC) had  also joined the meeting. 

The two Members had joined Mr G Brinkhuis (Al Jama-ah ) in his office for the meeting. 

The Chairperson jokingly asked whether the two Members had jumped ship.

Ms Windvogel also jokingly replied that it was in the interest of collegiality.

The Chairperson noted that Mr Brinkhuis was lucky to see the two Members as he had not seen them face-to-face in a long time.

He then proceeded to the business at hand, and stated that the Committee had intended to hold discussions with the Gender-Based Violence Monitor SA, as well as the Western Cape Minister for Social Development and Department, on the Western Cape's gender-based violence (GBV) combat strategy.

The Minister, and Department, had informed the Standing Committee on Social Development that they would not be able to attend due to activities planned for the 16 days of activism against GBV.

The Chairperson added that new dates for 2022 would be communicated with the stakeholders. 

The Committee would thus consider and adopt various reports and minutes.

Committee Report on the Department of Social Development's Annual Report 2020/2021

The report was considered and adopted.

Committee minutes dated 22 November 2021

The minutes were considered and adopted.

Draft Committee Programme: 2022

The Chairperson asked that Members peruse the draft programme and make suggestions. The Committee could then adopt the draft programme at a next sitting.

Members agreed.

The Chairperson said that the next meeting of the Committee would take place on 7 December 2021.

The meeting was adjourned.














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