Use of Vacant Prisons as Rehabilitation Centres

Correctional Services

20 October 1999
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

20 October 1999


Mr Wolmarans, from the Prisoner's Aftercare League, requested that the Government lease vacant prisons to the private sector to use as halfway houses and training centers to facilitate the rehabilitation of prisoners and their reintegration into society.


Mr Wolmarans informed the Committee that there are 17 fully equipped facilities in South Africa that used to be utilised as prisons. They now stand vacant because security measures are not of an acceptable standard and personnel have been redeployed elsewhere. These prison facilities fall under the Department of Public Works, to whom Mr Wolmarans has petitioned for use of these facilities. He has met with no success.

Mr Wolmarans would like the Government to lease these facilities to the private sector. These facilities will be utilised as halfway houses and training centers to facilitate the successful rehabilitation of prisoners and their reintegration into society. He said that such enterprises had been successfully run by the private sector in other countries, such as the United States. One such institution, run by religious communities in Arkansas, had reduced the rate of recidivism to 2 %. Mr Wolmarans mentioned that he had obtained a video documenting the functioning of this facility that he would like to show the Committee.

Comments by Members

Mr Wolmarans responded that the prisons were closed between 1992 and 1996. He also indicated that he would submit a written report to the Committee at a later date.

Mr Jordan (ANC) felt that Mr Wolmarans' presentation highlighted a wider problem of rehabilitating criminals. He requested that a more in-depth discussion of this be held at some stage.

Mr Wolmarans concluded by inviting members to attend the graduation ceremony of the Bird Care Project at Pollsmoor Prison on the 5 November. Several inmates have successfully completed training in bird rearing.

Mr Wolmarans was thanked for his presentation and was invited to return in about two weeks to show the video he had mentioned and submit the written presentation.

Visit to Empangeni Prison

The trip has been planned in order for members to inspect the prison from which 31 juveniles escaped. Mr Jordan (ANC) also requested that committee members receive clearance cards as soon as possible as this would enable them to conduct prison inspections at short notice.
Mr Bloem (ANC) requested the details of these vacant prisons and the years in which they were closed.
Briefing by Prisoner's Aftercare League
Mr Wolmarans, of the Prisoner's Aftercare League, indicated that the situation of overcrowding in prisons has dire consequences directly jeopodising the lives of Correctional Services personnel, and needs to be urgently addressed. In South Africa there are currently 6000 prisoners eligible for parole. They, however, remain in the prison because they have no accommodation or employment outside prison.



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