Management Audit Report: discussion

Correctional Services

18 April 2000
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report

19 April 2000

Chairperson: Ms RZN Capa

Relevant document:

Management Audit Report of the Department of Correctional Services by Department of Public Service and Administration audit team


The Committee agreed that while the investigation emanating from the DPSA's Audit Report continues it should pursue its oversight role. It was also agreed that the Department of Correctional Services be called to give its side of the story before the Committee. A sub-committee is to be set up to identify issues from the report and make recommendations that the Committee should follow up or take forward to the Department of Correctional Services. Visits to various prisons around the country are planned by the Committee in order to counter interference with investigations as the Commission said they had met with resistance in conducting investigations.

A workshop is envisaged to familiarise new members with the workings of the Committee and to establish how the Department of Correctional Services is being run.


The Chairperson summarised the report presented by the DPSA to the Committee on 14 April 2000. The report stated that the findings of the audit identified that one major problem in the Department of Correctional Services was not keeping proper records and misfiling. A number of files had no information on appointment dates or promotion dates. In a number of instances qualifications for appointment were waived, with positions requiring a person with a Std 10 being filled by people with Std 6. This, it was found, would cause serious problems for the Department in the near future as there would be insufficient information to decide on gratuity leave and promotions.

The Report also showed that there has been mismanagement in the Department. It identified questionable dismissals or suspensions in an attempt to suppress would-be 'whistle blowers'. There were irregularities identified in the conducting of disciplinary hearings with minutes not corresponding with tapes that were taken in such hearings.

The Commission said they had met with resistance in conducting the investigation. Cases of intimidation aimed at witnesses were reported. In one instance management in the National Commissioner's Office confronted and reprimanded someone who gave evidence before the Commission. It had been decided that since the Report came up with serious allegations these warranted further investigation and a Commission comprising administration experts from Britain, the Scorpions, Public Service Commission, Department of Public Service and Administration was undertaking the task.

The Chairperson mentioned that it is the responsibility of Parliament to do something about the report. He called for members' suggestions on what the Committee should do in the light of the report. Mr DV Bloem (ANC) said the Committee should give the investigating team a chance to continue with the investigation and not interfere now. After the team's report has been finalised and presented to President then the Committee can decide what to do.

Mr SB Ntuli (ANC) suggested that in the meantime a workshop be held to inform the Committee on how the Department of Correctional Services is run and as to what role the Committee is required to play in this regard.

Ms B Dlamini (ANC) said the Committee needs to do its oversight work.
Whilst the Commission is doing its work, the Committee needs to meet with the Department of Correctional Services concerning transfers, suspensions and appointments that are taking place, because workers in the Department are concerned that they are removed because it is believed they have information relating to an investigation. She mentioned that a senior member in one of the prisons in Pietermaritzburg is alleged to have been found with drugs and given R10 000 bail and this has been kept as a top secret by the Department. She also supported the workshop suggesting that it be held immediately after recess to assist new members on the role the Committee is required to play.

Ms Cupido supported the workshop and agreed with Ms Dlamini's suggestions. She mentioned that the Committee has to be kept aware of the progress in the investigations especially since the alleged problems are continuing.

Mr NB Fihla (ANC) said it is vital that the Committee should go to the prisons to see what is happening because it has heard that interference with investigations is taking place. It is important for the Committee to monitor what is taking place so that the Department is kept aware that whatever they do is being watched.

Ms Dlamini said the Committee needs to do justice to the report. She feels that a subcommittee should be set up with a chairperson and representatives of the different parties in the Committee. The subcommittee would be responsible for "sifting issues" and make recommendations that the Portfolio Committee could make to the Department. The Committee would still need to hold another meeting to decide on issues it needs to follow up based on guidance of the subcommittee.

The Chairperson indicated that she has in her possession reports from POPCRU on dismissals that did not follow proper procedures. These were sent to her with a plea that the Committee should intervene before industrial action is taken. She supported the view that the Department's side of the story be heard by the Committee, but the Committee would be in a better position when the Department does so as they would be informed by the DPSA report.

Ms Dlamini suggested that members should visit prisons in their areas during their constituency visit and return to give a report back to the Committee so that after receiving the Department of Correctional Services report they can visit prisons in other areas as well.

The suggestions made were agreed to by all the parties.

The Chairperson expressed concern that the Department of Correctional Services might not give the true state of affairs to the Portfolio Committee. She mentioned that, for instance, regarding claims of alleged preferential treatment in Potchestroom Prison, she had written to the Department for clarification. The explanation that was received differed substantially from what was on the press. Also, it differed from the verbal explanation given by a member of the Department to the Chairperson. She was particularly concerned that the Department misrepresented itself to Parliament. However, the Committee would be in a better position when the Department gives its report as they already have the DPSA report.

The meeting was adjourned.





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