Second Term Committee Programme
25 July 2019
Chairperson: Mr M Zwane (ANC)
Meeting Summary
The Portfolio Committee on Transport considered and adopted its second term Draft Committee Programme. Members suggested they would like the Department to brief the Committee on its mandate and historical achievements, including those of its entities, when it engages the Committee on its 2018/19 fourth quarter expenditure and first quarter expenditure for the 2019/20 financial year. Members also pointed out they would like to engage with the Railway Safety Regulator and Gauteng Nerve Control Centre before interacting with PRASA because there have been many directives and incidents. It was also suggested the Committee engage the Auditor-General of SA. It was further proposed the Committee should think about engaging with the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) in order to know its priority areas for it has not appeared before the Committee in a long time and to interrogate backlogs in the issuing of licences. Members said it was important to engage with the Department on matters raised by the Committee on acting positions, vacancy rates, and the R400 million reserved for consultants, amongst other things. There was emphasis on the need for the Department to respond to matters raised by Members so that meetings did not end up being a talk show.
The Committee would have its next engagement with the Department on 20 August 2019.
The Committee then adopted its minutes date 3 and 4 July 2019 with no amendments
Meeting report
Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Programme
The Chairperson informed Members the Committee did not have time to interact with the Department and its entities after the Budget Vote. That was why 20 August 2019 has been penciled for an engagement with the Department on its fourth quarter expenditure for 2018/19 and first quarter expenditure for 2019/20.
Ms Valerie Carelse, Committee Secretary, took the Committee through the second term Draft Committee Programme, page by page.
Mr L Mangcu (ANC), on engagement with the Department, stated it must not be assumed that everyone understood the mandates of the Department and its entities. So, it would be a good idea during interaction with the Department to be briefed on the mandates and historical achievements of the Department and its entities, and not only concentrate on the Annual Performance Plans (APPs). Regarding the capacity workshop by the Auditor-General of SA (AGSA), he indicated it would have been a good thing if the AGSA could have explained to the Committee its concerns and it what it wanted to achieve before engaging with it, so that Members could also prepare before the planned engagement.
Mr C Hunsinger (DA) agreed with the concern raised by Mr Mangcu concerning the engagement with the Department. He pointed out the only opportunity to align KPAs and key indicators was to allow the Committee Researchers to prepare briefing notes on historic performances because as Members they were usually presented with achievements of the Department and its entities yet service delivery was low. The briefing notes would play a big role when the Committee engages with the Department and its entities. Pertaining to engaging with the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (PRASA), he suggested it was better to interact with the Railway Safety Regulator first and to visit the Gauteng Nerve Control Centre because there have been many directives and incidents. He further suggested the Committee should think about engaging with the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) in order to know its priority areas for it has not appeared before the Committee in a long time. The Member also proposed it was important to interrogate backlogs in the issuing of licences.
Mr T Mabhena (DA) suggested it was important to engage with the Department on matters raised by the Committee on acting positions, vacancy rates, and the R400 million reserved for consultants, amongst other things. Many questions were raised, but were never responded to. So, the Department should respond to those matters however the Member warned the interaction with the Department should not just end up being a talk-show.
Ms M Ramadwa (ANC) proposed the Committee should write to the Department to specify matters it would like the Department to respond to and clarify when it engages with the Committee.
The Chairperson, with regard to engaging with the AGSA, stated it was important to hear the view of the AGSA first before being briefed by the entities. That meant Members should be prepared fully before they engage with the AGSA based on what transpired with regard to previous performances of the entities and Department. He urged the Committee to be factual when dealing with matters of the Department and its entities. There would be no matter that would be left unattended to. He asked Members to familiarise themselves with the work of the entities, so that it was easy for them when interacting with the entities. This would help to deal with raised concerns in a correct manner.
The Chairperson then asked for a mover for the adoption of the Draft Committee Second Term Programme.
Mr Hunsinger moved for the adoption of the draft programme.
Ms Ramadwa seconded the motion.
The Draft Committee programme was adopted with minor amendments.
Consideration and adoption of Committee minutes
Committee Minutes dated 3 July 2019
The Chairperson took the Committee through the document, page by page.
Mr L McDonald (ANC) proposed adoption of the minutes.
Mr Hunsinger seconded the proposition.
Committee minutes dated 3 July 2019 were adopted with no amendments.
Committee Minutes dated 4 July 2019
The Chairperson took the Committee through the document, page by page.
Mr McDonald moved for the adoption of the minutes.
Mr Mangcu seconded the motion.
Committee minutes dated 4 July 2019 were adopted without amendments.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Zwane, Mr MJ Chairperson
Chabangu, Mr M
Hunsinger, Dr CH
DA -
Mabhena, Mr TB
DA -
Mangcu, Mr LN
McDonald, Mr LE
Mey, Mr P
FF+ -
Nolutshungu, Ms N
Ramadwa, Ms MM
Seitlholo, Mr IS
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