Election of Committee Chairperson; Committee Programme
Meeting Summary
The Committee elected Mr S Mahumapelo (ANC) to be its chairperson.
The incoming chairperson stressed that members would have to work as a collective in order for the Committee to execute its mandate. He further said that Members had to respect one another and should refrain from drawing too quickly into their respective party political stances. The unique backgrounds of respective members should strengthen the work of the Committee.
The Committee was given insight into what the Draft Programme for the Committee looked like given the upcoming Tourism Budget Vote debate scheduled for 10 July 2019 at 2pm.
Meeting report
Election of Committee Chairperson
The Committee Secretary, Mr Jerry Boltina, temporarily chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the first meeting of the Committee. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a Committee Chairperson in terms of the National Assembly (NA) Rules.
Mr Boltina asked members of the Committee and Committee Staff first introduce themselves before proceedings continued. Thereafter he called upon members to nominate candidates for the position of Committee Chairperson.
Ms L Makhubele-Mashele (ANC) nominated Mr S Mahumapelo (ANC) for the position of Committee Chairperson.
Mr Boltina asked if there was any member who seconded Mr Mahumapelo’s nomination.
Ms M Gomba (ANC) seconded Mr Mahumapelo’s nomination.
Mr Boltina asked Mr Mahumapelo whether he accepted his nomination.
Mr Mahumapelo accepted his nomination as Committee Chairperson.
Mr Boltina asked whether there were any other nominations.
Mr H Gumbi (DA) nominated Mr M de Freitas (DA) as a candidate for Committee Chairperson.
Mr Boltina asked whether there was any member who seconded Mr de Freitas’ nomination.
No member seconded Mr de Freitas’ nomination and so Mr Boltina declared Mr Mahumapelo as the Committee Chairperson.
Mr Mahumapelo took up his seat as Committee Chairperson and thanked members for the confidence that they had in him. He, at the outset, recognised the presence of ANC Chief Whip Ms P Majodina (ANC) in the meeting. He found it quite surprising that the media had come out in full force to the meeting and had even asked Ms Makhubele-Mashele why this was so. He welcomed the media to the meeting and appreciated their interest in tourism matters. He stressed that members would have to work as a collective in the Committee. He said that the framework for the Committee was the constitution of SA. The Committee needed to execute its mandate. He looked forward to working with members of the Committee. Tourism was after all a strategic pillar of SA’s economy. Issues like poverty, inequality and unemployment needed to be dealt with. Members had to also respect one another and should refrain from drawing too quickly into their respective party political stances. The unique backgrounds of respective members should strengthen the work of the Committee. Issues at hand should be dealt with.
Mr de Freitas, on behalf of the DA, said that he endorsed the sentiments expressed by Mr Mahumapelo. The DA was committed to working with its fellow members. He pointed out that tourism was one of the easiest job creators which could make the South African economy grow. He agreed that members needed to put their ideological objectives aside.
Mr Gumbi asked when the Committee was meeting again.
Mr Mahumapelo answered that the Committee would be meeting the following day Wednesday, 3 July 2019 at 10am.
Mr Boltina added that the Minister of Tourism had tabled the Annual Performance Plan (APP) of the National Department of Tourism (NDT) on Thursday, 27 June 2019. The APP needed to be processed by the Committee. The APP of South African Tourism (SAT) had been tabled as well. As Mr Mahumapelo had stated the meeting with the NDT was the next day Wednesday, 3 July 2019 at 10am.
whilst the meeting with SAT was scheduled for Thursday, 4 July 2019 at 2pm. He continued that by Monday, 8 July 2019 the first draft of the Budget Vote: 33 Report would be ready and the following day Tuesday, 9 July 2019 the Committee could discuss and adopt it. The Budget Vote debate for Tourism was scheduled for 10 July 2019 at 2pm. Copies of the respective APPs would be forwarded to members if members did not already have them.
Mr Mahumapelo said that he was very accessible. Members needed to share ideas on how to advance tourism. There was no need to bureaucratise the work of the Committee.
Mr Boltina assured members that a Draft Programme would be circulated to members before the end of business the present day.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Mahumapelo, Mr S
De Freitas, Mr MS
Galo, Mr MP
Gomba, Ms MM
Gumbi, Mr HS
Khalipha, Mr TD
Krumbock, Mr GR
Makhubela, Ms LS
Moteka, Mr PG
Peter, Mr ZJ
Sithole, Mr KP
Xego, Ms ST
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