National Land Transport Amendment Bill: proposed amendments
Meeting Summary
Members were taken through the proposed amendment to the National Land Transport Amendment Bill.
The C-list of amendments related to Clauses 6, 7, 16, 40 and 50 of the Bill. Most of the amendments were of a technical nature. A new provision was introduced to Clause 16 of the Bill.
The Committee formally considered and adopted the C-list of proposed amendments.
The amendments will be incorporated into the D-list and the Committee will deal with the provincial mandates on the bill on 19 March.
Meeting report
National Land Transport Amendment Bill: proposed amendments
The Chairperson stated that the C-list of proposed amendments were amendments from provinces which members had agreed to. Once formally agreed to by the Committee the C-list would be sent to the provinces and be incorporated into a new D-version of the Bill for their consideration. Thereafter the Committee would receive final mandates from provinces on the Bill. The Committee would on 19 March 2019 deal with provincial final mandates.
The Chairperson proceeded to take the Committee through the C-list of proposed amendments. The C-list of amendments related to Clauses 6, 7, 16, 40 and 50 of the Bill. Most of the amendments were of a technical nature. A new provision was introduced to Clause 16 of the Bill.
The C-list was formally placed before the Committee for consideration and it was adopted.
The meeting was adjourned.
Rayi, Mr M Chairperson
Dikgale, Ms MC
Magwebu, Mr L
DA -
Makue, Mr E
Nthebe, Mr B
Terblanche, Mr OS
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