National Health Bill; Human Rights Commission report: discussion
NCOP Social Services
24 June 2003
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
24 June 2003
Documents handed out
National Health Bill B32-2003
Report on the visit to the Eastern Cape
The Chair informed the Committee on the National Health Bill which would need to be circulated in the provinces. The Chairperson of the NCOP had also been informed on the Human Rights Commission Report which would be discussed by the Committee later.
The Committee dealt with Committee matters such as the adoption of outstanding minutes.
The Chairperson informed members that there was a joint briefing coming up by the Department of Health on the National Health Bill. She encouraged members to familiarize themselves with the Bill informally as it is a completely new Bill. They would also need to encourage Provinces to hold public hearings and revealed the fact that she has communicated with the Chairperson of NCOP with regard to the Human Rights Commission report Chapter 4, 5 & 6. She informed members that there was no further legislation being envisaged by the department for 2003 except for the National Health Bill.
The following minutes were adopted for tabling in the House:
-25 February minutes were the department of Health was presenting its legislative programme.
-18 March minutes of the briefing by the Department of Social Development on the National Development Agency.
-25 March deliberated and voted on the National Development Agency Bill.
- 1 April Budget briefing by the Department of Social Development.
-5 April briefing on the Coega Project.
-15 April briefing on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
-2 May briefing on the Health Project.
-27 May Budget vote.
-3 June briefing by ACCESS on the Child Support Grant.
Copies of the Draft Report on Oversight Visit to Eastern Cape Province were circulated for perusal to be adopted at a meeting in the next session.
Meeting was adjourned.
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