Election of Chairpersons
National Youth Development Agency appointments
02 March 2016
Chairperson: Mr M Mapulane (ANC) and Ms G Manopole (Northern Cape, ANC)
Meeting Summary
The Ad Hoc Committee met briefly to appoint two chairpersons – one from the National Assembly and another from the National Council of Provinces. The Committee duly elected Mr M Mapulane (ANC) and Ms G Manopole (Northern Cape, ANC).
Meeting report
PMG did not attend this meeting.
Election of Co-Chairpersons
The Committee Secretary stated that Members had to appoint two chairpersons – one from the National Assembly and another from the National Council of Provinces.
The Committee duly elected Mr M Mapulane (ANC) and Ms G Manopole (Northern Cape, ANC).
Committee Programme
The Committee was supposed to adopt its programme but instead referred it back to be redrafted so that all issues could be looked at before adoption.
The Committee agreed to finalise the programme at its next meeting on 9 March 2015.
The Committee noted that it had to complete its work at the end of the month.
The meeting was adjourned.
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- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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