Public Enterprises First Term Committee Programme; Report of the Portfolio Committee on its oversight visit to South African Airways, South African Express Airways, Denel and Eskom

Public Enterprises

13 February 2013
Chairperson: Dr G Koornhof (ANC) (Acting)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met briefly to consider its first term programme as well as the report on its oversight visit to South African Airways, South African Express Airways, Denel and Eskom. The former was adopted with minor changes while the latter was approved without any.

Meeting report

Election of Acting Chairperson
Members nominated and elected Dr Koornhof to chair the meeting in the absence of Mr P Maluleke (ANC).

Opening Remarks

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the very first meeting of 2013. He informed the Committee that the purpose of the meeting was to deal with the outstanding Committee Minutes, the Oversight Report and the Committee’s First Term Programme.
Committee Minutes dated 23 October 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members were satisfied with the document and Ms N Michael (DA) moved for its adoption. Mr E Marais (DA) seconded the motion. The minutes were accordingly adopted with no changes.

Committee Minutes dated 30 October 2012

The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members were satisfied with the document and Ms Michael moved for its adoption. Mr Marais seconded the motion. The minutes were accordingly adopted with no changes.

Committee Minutes dated 6 November 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members were satisfied with the document and Mr Marais moved for its adoption. Mr C Gololo (ANC) seconded the motion. The minutes were accordingly adopted with no changes.

The Chairperson noted that it was important for Members to look at the resolutions so that the Committee could follow up on those. He informed Members that this year the Committee would meet with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) in order to address the backlog of unresolved land claims at Safcol and the slow pace of that process. This would be part of the Committee’s programme.
Committee Minutes dated 13 November 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Mr Marais requested the Committee Secretary to check the attendance register of that meeting because he had attended the last part of the meeting.

In the meantime, Mr Gololo moved for the adoption of minutes and Mr A Mokoena (ANC) seconded the motion. The minutes were adopted with amendments.

Committee Minutes dated 20 November 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members were satisfied with the document and Ms Michael moved for its adoption. Mr Gololo seconded the motion. The minutes were accordingly adopted with no changes.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on its oversight visit to South African Airways (SAA), South African Express Airways (SAEA), Denel and Eskom

Mr Disang Mocumi, Committee Secretary, noted that the purpose of the visit to was to meet with the newly appointed board members of SAA, SAEA, Denel and Eskom and to be briefed on the turnaround strategies and the challenges that these entities were facing.
Mr M Nhanha (COPE) moved for the adoption of the report.
Mr Mokoena seconded the motion.
The Committee adopted the report with no changes
First Term Committee Programme
Mr Mocumi informed the Committee that there were few changes to the schedule that the Committee had adopted previously. Thereafter, he highlighted the planned activities:

●On 19 February 2013, the Committee would be brifed by SAA on its annual report and financial statements.

●On 26 February 2013, there would be a briefing by the Department on the issues arising from the State of the Nation Address (SONA).
●On 5 March 2013, there would be a briefing by the Department on shareholder context of state entities.
●On 12 March 2013, there would be a briefing by Alexkor and Denel on progress on issues emanating from annual reports for 2011/12, issues from the Auditor-General report and any other non-compliant issues.
●On 19 March 2013, there would be a briefing by the Department on its strategic plan for 2013.
●On 26 March 2013, there would be a briefing by the Minister in the Presidency on the recommendations of the Review Committee.
Mr Mocumi further noted that that the Committee’s strategic workshop had been scheduled for 22 and 31 February 2013, however this had been rescheduled. The last week of the term had been declared a committee week and were looking at having that strategic workshop in that week and the details would be communicated in due course.
Dr Koornhof proposed that the Committee conduct an oversight visit to Alexkor in that committee week or to have a strategic workshop.
Ms Michael seconded the proposal for a strategic workshop because Members would be available in any event.
The Committee adopted the programme.
The meeting was adjourned.


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