Joint Standing Committee on Defence: Election of Chairpersons

Joint Standing Committee on Defence

17 January 2011
Chairperson: Co-Chairpersons: Mr J Maake (ANC) and Mr S Montsitsi (ANC; Gauteng)
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Meeting Summary

In terms of Joint Rule 120 (C), the Committee unanimously elected Mr J Maake (ANC) and Mr S Montsitsi (ANC) Co-Chairperson. The Committee briefly discussed whether to have open or closed meeting. It was pointed out that in certain instances, the Committee would need to have closed meetings in order to protect the country’s interest.

Meeting report

Election of Chairpersons
Ms Bulelwa Madikane, Committee Secretary, stated that the agenda of the meeting was to elect a Chairperson from the NA component according to Joint Rule 120 (C).

The Committee unanimously elected Mr J Maake (ANC) as Chairperson.

The Committee Secretary informed Members that Mr S Montsitsi (ANC) had been elected as Co-Chairperson representing the NCOP component.

Mr Maake thanked the Committee for the vote of confidence. He indicated that one of his first tasks would be to find out the difference in responsibilities between the Portfolio Committee on Defence and the Joint Committee on Defence (JCoD).

Mr Montsitsi replied that the JCoD was not an ordinary committee like other committees of Parliament. For example, the Portfolio Committee on Defence would be open on issues debated yet the JCoD would remain closed due to safety reasons. In addition, he urged Members to work as a united team and not as party individuals.

A DA Member stressed that the Committee should no longer have closed meetings.

Mr Montsisi pointed out that in certain instances, the Committee would need to have closed meetings in order to protect the country’s interest. Also, he noted that the Committee had been lagging behind in terms of its business. This could not be allowed to continue.

Members extended their congratulations to both Chairpersons.

The meeting was adjourned.


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