Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee: Report on Oversight Visit to Alexcor; Committee Programme

Public Enterprises

23 August 2010
Chairperson: Mr M Sonto (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee briefly discussed the problems concerning the Transnet Second Defined Benefit Fund. Members noted that Transnet had presented a report on the subject. This needed to be studied and advice needed to be sought from the parliamentary legal advisors. It was decided that the Department of Public Enterprises would be invited to clarify issues to the Committee.

The Committee approved its programme for the remainder of the year as well as the report on the oversight visit to Alexcor.

Meeting report

Election of Acting Chairperson
In accordance with the rules of Parliament, the Committee nominated and elected an acting Chairperson due the absence of Ms M Mentor (ANC).

Mr Sonto was elected unopposed as Chairperson.

Consideration of Committee Programme
Mr Mocumi highlighted the Committee’s planned activities for the remainder of the year.

The Chairperson invited Members to make comments, suggestions and alterations to the programme.

The Committee briefly discussed the implications of the 28 July 2010 meeting on amendments to the Transnet Second Defined Benefit Fund.

Mr S Van Dyk (DA) recalled that Transnet had appeared previously before the Committee and had presented their report. He suggested that the Committee should make provisions for the consideration of that report, and the Parliamentary Legal Department should make an input on it.

Mr M Nhanha (COPE) pointed out that the matter of former Transnet employees was before the courts, and it would therefore be unwise to discuss the matter. He suggested that the Committee should get an undertaking from the Transnet pensioners that they would not take the Department to court.

Mr Van Dyk suggested that the Department should be requested to invite the pensioners to explain the matter before the Committee.

The Chairperson replied that the progress report would be presented before the Committee and it would include an appraisal from Transnet and the Treasury to find out whether the court issue was substantial or not.

Mr Nhanha suggested that the Department should explain the issue more clearly so that the Committee would have a common understanding once and for all.

Mr Van Dyk commented that the individuals that were suing Transnet had nothing to do with the Parliament.

It was agreed that the Committee would invite Department.

Mr A Mokoena (ANC) suggested that all State Owned Enterprises should present their annual reports before the Department and no the other way around as indicated in the programme.

Mr Mocumi informed Members that the financial report was the most important part of the overall report. Eskom could present before the Department on the 7 September 2010 and the Department on the 14 September 2010.

Mr C Gololo (ANC) warned the Committee that it would be impossible to visit Mpumalanga, Durban and Johannesburg within a space of two days.

Mr Mocumi suggested the use of 22; 23 and 24 September 2010 for oversight visits.

Mr B Dlamini (IFP) reminded Members that the 24 September was a public holiday and the Department Of Arts and Culture had prepared a programme that would require the presence of Members.

Mr Van Dyk said that the oversight visit should include Komatiland.

The Chairperson suggested that the visit could start on 21 September so that Members could have enough time for all three places.

Mr Mokoena then suggested that Members could hold the meeting of September 21 at the hotel where the Committee would be staying.

Mr Mocumi agreed with Mr Mokoena and said that all Committees were required to hold at least two meetings outside the Parliamentary precinct.

The Committee agreed to hold the September 21 meeting in Mpumalanga.

Mr Mokoena suggested a meeting between the Committee and Denel could be held at the O R Tambo International Airport and the Committee agreed.

The Chairperson suggested the adoption of the third and fourth term Programme. This was duly accepted.

Mr Van Dalen asked why Members could not attend the Annual General Meeting of the Department and State Owned Entities as observers.

Mr Mocumi explained that only the shareholders, Ministry and the Director-General (DG) could attend. The DG would update Members at later stage.

Consideration of Oversight visit Report to Alexcor
The Chairperson noted that Members had received the report beforehand so that they could study it thoroughly and make a meaningful contribution. He invited comments from Members.

Mr Nhanha felt that the quality and content of the report was good, but queried the use of past tense.

Mr Mocumi explained that reports and minutes were written in past tense, so that they could make sense even if they were read many years later.

The report was adopted with minor technical amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.



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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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