Economic Development Portfolio Committee: Oversight Reports on Companies in Distress and Customs Fraud

Economic Development

15 February 2010
Chairperson: Ms E Coleman (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider it s outstanding reports and programme for the first-term. Members noted that the programme should be flexible in case there were developments during the term that required the Committee’s attention. The programme was therefore adopted as a working document.

The Committee did not consider its oversight reports on Companies in Distress and Customs fraud. No substantive changes were made to these reports. It was decided that Members would require time to go over the documents before they could give their inputs.

Meeting report

Opening Remarks by the Chairperson
The Chairperson noted that. South Africa had survived the effects of the global downturn and had not suffered as much as other countries around the world. The country’s economy had performed well in the first quarter. There was a positive economic outlook that could be further enhanced by South Africa successfully hosting the 2010 World Cup tournament.

The Chairperson reported that she had sent a congratulatory message to the Competition Commission in recognition of they work that they were doing. An interview had also been done with the Mail and Guardian newspaper around the work of the Committee earlier in the year.

Consideration and adoption of First- term programme
The Chairperson tabled the first-term programme for consideration.

Mr X Mabaso (ANC) suggested that the programme should be flexible in case there were developments during the term that required the Committee’s attention.

Mr M Ambrosini (IFP) proposed that the programme focus on the Committee’s role in the development of an industrial policy bearing in mind the degree of overlap with other Committees’ such as Trade and Industry and Finance.

Mr Z Ntuli (ANC) proposed that Members first consider whether the programme was suitable before making changes to it.

Mr S Huang (ANC) and Mr P Rabie (DA) supported Mr Ntuli’s proposal

Mr Ntuli asked why the programme included business on a Friday which was a day when Members usually had other commitments.

The Chairperson responded that they had not utilised the Friday slot in the past and because there was so much congestion in the programme it had become necessary to do so.

The Committee formally adopted its working programme.

Oversight Reports on Companies in Distress and Customs Fraud
The Chairperson asked Members to consider the two oversight reports on companies in distress and customs fraud.

It was decided that the Committee could not consider the reports because it had been circulated to Members on the morning of the day of the meeting. Members would require time to go over the documents before they could give their inputs.

The Chairperson suggested that Members examine the reports and highlight where issues had not been clearly articulated or had been omitted. Members must submit their comments to the Committee Secretary by 19 February 2010.

Mr Ntuli asked whether it would be procedurally correct for Members to send their comments or corrections to the Committee Secretary. The amendments should be presented and discussed in the Committee as it was possible that Members could disagree with the suggestions that were put forward.

The Chairperson responded that inviting input from Members in this way did not take away the opportunity, when they met on the next Tuesday, to discuss any comment, corrections or amendments put forward.

The meeting was adjourned


  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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