Select Committee on Finance & Appropriations: Third Term Committee Programme
Meeting Summary
The Committee considered and adopted its programme for the third term. In addition, Members expressed unhappiness that the NCOP was not part of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Green Paper on National Strategic Planning given that the issues affected provinces directly.Meeting report
Consideration and Adoption of the Third Term Committee Programme
The Chairperson tabled the Committee’s third term programme for consideration. He briefly outlined the different dates and programmes that would constitute the work of the Committee during the period October – November 2009.
Mr B Mashile (ANC; Mpumalanga) pointed out that the Auditor General Workshop was not part of the Committee’s general duties and should therefore be removed from the programme.
Mr S Montsitsi (ANC; Gauteng) asked the Committee Secretary to seek clarity from the Chief Whip’s Office on whether the Committee could participate in the workshop.
It was later confirmed that only the Chairperson should attend the workshop.
Several Members were opposed to meetings being scheduled on Fridays as it interfered with their travel plans and other commitments.
The Chairperson acknowledged this problem and assured Members that he would refer the matter to the Chief Whip’s Office for assistance.
The programme was agreed to with amendments.
Discussion on NA request
The Chairperson informed Members that the National Assembly (NA) had requested the Committee to deliberate on the Green Paper on National Strategic Planning.
Mr J Gunda (ID; Northern Cape) argued that the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) should have been part of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Green Paper on National Strategic Planning because the issue affected the provinces directly. He complained about how the NA always behaved as if it was the superior house.
Mr G Mokgoro (ANC; Northern Cape) agreed with this sentiment and stated that he was not comfortable with the manner that NA treated the NCOP. It was not correct that issues, which directly affected the provinces, were first referred to the NA and only later (sometimes by request) to the NCOP. As a result, he urged the Chairperson to take this matter up with the leadership of the NCOP, and ask them to convey the Committee’s feelings to their counterparts in the NA.
The Chairperson agreed that this was an urgent matter and assured Members that he would refer it to the House Chairperson.
The meeting was adjourned.
- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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