Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill [B 38-2015]

Call for comments opened 21 February 2017 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 10 March 2017)


The Portfolio Committee on Transport invites you to submit further written comments on the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill [B 38-2015] as it pertains to the following proposed amendments that extend beyond the scope of the Bill:

▪The inclusion in the proposed definition of “infringement” of “National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009) and Cross-Border Road Transport Act, 1998 (Act No. 4 of 1998)” after “road traffic legislation.”
▪The inclusion of a clause that establishes and administers rehabilitation programmes for habitual infringers.
▪The inclusion of a Chapter in the principal Act, after Chapter III, that will provide for the establishment of an Appeals Tribunal.
▪The inclusion of a new clause on the apportionment of penalties including, but not limited to, considerations on prevention of duplication of penalties or alternative options.

The Bill was referred to the Committee on 30 November 2015 (ATC No. 161-2015). The Committee held public hearings and considered proposed amendments to the Bill. Whilst inquiring into the subject of the Bill and during public hearings the Committee realised it is necessary to amend other provisions of the principal Act which were not included in the Bill, and further extend the public consultations.

In addition to the written comments, please indicate your interest in making a verbal presentation to the Committee.

Please find here Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offence Act, 1998 (Act No.46 of 1998)

Comments can be emailed to Valerie Carelse at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 10 March 2017.

Enquiries can be directed to Valerie Carelse on tel (021) 403 3272 or cell: 083 709 8445

Issued by Mr L Ramatlakane, MP, Acting Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Transport.