Applications/Nominations: Ombud for the Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Services
Call for comments opened 31 January 2025 Share this page:Submissions must be received by no later than 28 February 2025
Small Business Development
The amendments to the National Small Enterprise Act, 2024 (Act No. 21 of 2024) (“the NSEA”) created an Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Service, which is accountable to the Minister of Small Business Development and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. The Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Service is tasked with adjudicating and disposing of complaints in terms of the NSEA in a manner which is procedurally fair, economical and expeditious. Therefore, the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development invites members of the public, to nominate suitable candidates for the appointment of an Ombud for the Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Service. All nominations and applications must be completed through the online nomination system which can be accessed on the Parliamentary website . All valid nominations will be published on the Parliamentary website. Disclosure of personal information of candidates is subject to lawful processing and secure storage.
The National Assembly will develop a shortlist of candidates, from which the Minister will appoint an Ombud. All shortlisted candidates will be subject to pre-employment screening by the State Security Agency and verification of qualifications by Parliamentary Human Resources. All applications will be in line with Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013), and the Employment Equity Act,1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998).
The Minister will, on recommendation of Parliament, appoint an Ombud for a term of five years which may be renewed for one more term.
As per section 17F of National Small Enterprise Act (No. 21 of 2024), the nominees should:
- be a South African resident or ordinarily resident of South Africa, and
- have legal training and appropriate experience and possess knowledge of small enterprise, trade, industry, finance, or the economy.
Powers and duties of Ombud
The Ombud, amongst others, must consider and adjudicate complaints by small enterprises and small enterprise organisations through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms; initiate investigations; consider and approve the strategic plan of the Office; consider and decide on capital acquisitions and transactions that have not been delegated to the Director; prepare reports on a quarterly basis on the nature and progress on all complaints and investigations for submission to the Minister and Parliament; appoint personnel to ensure the efficient management of complaints; and make recommendations for amendments to the regulations and policy guidelines.
Nomination form/letter must contain the full name, address/email address and contact details of the person or organisation making nomination, as well as a signed acceptance of the nomination by nominee including the nominator accessed from the Parliamentary Website, and/or on WhatsApp of 071 363 2252.
The closing date for applications is Friday, 28 February 2025 midnight.
Enquiries can be directed to Mr Noel King Kunene on cell 071 363 2252 , either on email: [email protected]
Issued by Ms MC Dikgale, MP, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development