State Attorney Amendment Bill [B52- 2013]
Call for comments opened 27 November 2013 Share this page:Justice and Constitutional Development
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development invites you to submit written submissions on the State Attorney Amendment Bill [B52- 2013].
The purpose of the State Attorney Amendment Bill is to:
▪ amend the State Attorney Act, 1957, so as to provide for the establishment of offices of State Attorney;
▪ provide for the appointment of a Solicitor-General and State Attorneys;
▪ provide for the powers of the Minister relating to the functions of the offices of State Attorney;
▪ provide for the powers and functions of the Solicitor-General.
Comments can be emailed to Mr. V Ramaano at [email protected] by no later than Wednesday, 15 January 2014.
For public hearings' dates and enquiries please contact Mr V Ramaano on tel (021) 403 3820 or cell 083 709 8427
Issued by Hon. LT Landers Chairperson: PC on Justice and Constitutional Development
Background from the Bill's Memorandum:
"On 21 May 2012, the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development released the Framework for the Transformation of State Legal Services. The fundamental principles that underpin the transformation of State Legal Services include, amongst others, effective consolidation and coordination of legal services, including litigation services, specialisation and enhanced capacity. One of the immediate interventions required is to consolidate and integrate services within the Department under a new head in order to ensure that litigation against and on behalf of the State is well managed. In order to give effect to the Framework relating to the above aspects, amendments to the State Attorney Act, 1957, are necessary. The amendments contained in the Bill are an initial step in the implementation of the Framework and are intended to facilitate the appointment of the Solicitor-General (who will ultimately coordinate and manage state litigation) and also determine the powers and functions of the Solicitor-General. The Solicitor-General will be the State's chief legal adviser in all civil litigation, similar to the role of the National Director of Public Prosecutions in criminal matters".