Drugs and Drug Trafficking Amendment Bill

Call for comments opened 02 September 2022 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 16 September 2022)

Justice and Constitutional Development

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invites you to submit written submissions on the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Amendment Bill [B19 – 2022].

The purpose of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Amendment Bill is to amend the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992, so as to—
▪ repeal the Minister’s delegated plenary legislative powers to amend Schedules 1 and 2;
▪ amend Schedule 1 and Schedule 2; and
▪ provide for matters connected therewith.

Submissions must be received by no later than 16 September 2022.

Please indicate your interest in making a verbal presentation.

Submissions can be emailed to Mr V Ramaano at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 16 September 2022

Enquiries can be directed to Mr V Ramaano on tel (021) 403-3820 or cell 083 709 8427

Issued by Hon. Mr BG Magwanishe, MP, Chairperson: PC on Justice and Correctional Services

Track the bill here

How to write a submission