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21 October 2019

The Week Ahead: Legislation, Appointments & Question Time

The major point of interest will come from Tuesday’s debate on the Special Appropriation Bill in the National Assembly Chamber. The Bill allocates an additional R59bn to Eskom over the next two years. In recommending the Bill, the Standing Committee...
17 October 2019

Infographic: 2018/19 National Departmental audit outcomes

National departments, provincial departments and public entities are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA). AGSA’s annual audits examine three areas: fair presentation and absence of significant misstatements in...
14 October 2019

The Week Ahead: Question Time & high-profile meetings

Question time is the main business in both chambers this week. The practice of oral questions is an established part of the parliamentary day and gives MPs an opportunity to question the Executive about matters for which they are responsible....
07 October 2019

The Week Ahead: MPs return & President appears

Parliament resumes this week after a two-week constituency period. The final term will run for nine weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include committee, oversight and legislative work; oral questions to the...
04 October 2019

Audits, Annual Reports and BRRRs

Parliament will be particularly busy when it resumes business for the third term next week as it deals with the annual task of poring over the Annual Reports of Departments and public entities within the ambit of each parliamentary committee. The...
26 September 2019

Second Term Review: Sixth Parliament

The Sixth Parliament’s second term ended last week. A relatively short but activity-packed period it was. Its main highlights were as follows: Working days and committee meetings A large part of the work of the National Assembly and the National...
16 September 2019

The Week Ahead: Special Joint Sitting

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return on 7 October. But a fair amount of work will be done before they go as the parliamentary agenda includes significant business in the main chambers and committee...
09 September 2019

The Week Ahead: Debates, Oral Questions & Important Hearings….

Last week, Parliament was the scene of mass protests as thousands took to the streets to protest against gender-based violence and the killing of young women and children.  The catalyst for the protests was the rape and murder of 19-year-old UCT...
02 September 2019

The Week Ahead: The economy, legislation and more in the spotlight...

We are mid-way through the second term and the programme has a familiar pattern this week: the legislature has scheduled committee meetings, oversight visits and sittings in the main chambers. A debate to commemorate National Women’s Day is a standing...
30 August 2019

NHI Timeline: Key dates and events

National Health Insurance timeline: Key dates and events The analyses and debates about the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill rage on following its introduction to Parliament early this month. The tabling of the Bill was long in coming as the...