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12 July 2020

The Week Ahead: Supplementary Budget Debates begin

It's déjà vu in Parliament with MPs spending most of the time focusing on the emergency budget. Committees will be dealing with remaining Annual Performance Plans and finalising Budget Reports. As part of their budget scrutiny, MPs are probing...
10 July 2020

Metropolitan Municipalities: COVID-19 Response Plans

Minister & Deputy on Disaster Management Regulations and their amendments - 21 April 2020 Role of local government in combating spread of COVID-19 virus: SALGA briefing​ - 28 April 2020 Stimulus package to municipalities: Department briefing​ - 30...
06 July 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Lockdown Regulations: Update (6 July 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 3 Schools Two changes were made to the 23 June list of classes scheduled to reopen on 6 July: removing Pre-Grade R (in an amendment issued on 29 June), and in a 2 July media statement, making Grades R, 6 and 11 the only classes to...
06 July 2020

Bill Returned to Parliament by the President

President Ramaphosa recently returned four Bills to Parliament for reconsideration, namely: Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill (2016); Copyright Amendment Bill (2017); Protection of State Information Bill (2010); Liquor Products Amendment Bill...
06 July 2020

The Week Ahead: Parliament focuses on the Adjusted Budget

MPs will spend most of the time talking about the emergency budget while other business is kept to a minimum. The historic nature of the COVID pandemic and economic downturn necessitated the tabling of the supplementary budget. Due to the substantial...
29 June 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster and Lockdown Regulations: Update (29 June 2020)

State of Disaster regulations amended On 25 June, a Government Gazette notice was published: amending the 29 April regulations on contact tracing to allow: the inclusion of geospatial hotspot mapping in the Covid-19 database, and the use of cell phone...
29 June 2020

The Week Ahead: Extension of Term Two

Following last week’s tabling of the emergency budget, Parliament has had to reconsider its July recess period. This will have knock-on effect on the Legislature’s programme for the rest of the year. Speaking at the National Assembly Programming...
28 June 2020


The United Nations passed a resolution to recognize the International Day of Parliamentarism (aka World Parliament Day) as “an opportunity to celebrate Parliaments, as the cornerstone of democracy, and as institutions designed to improve the lives of...
22 June 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster and Lockdown Regulations: Update (22 June 2020)

Personal care services Following last week’s announcement of Cabinet’s decision to lift restrictions in place since the State of Disaster was declared, a ministerial directive gazetted on 19 June has prescribed protocols for reopening businesses,...
21 June 2020

The Week Ahead: End of Term & Tabling of Emergency Budget

The constituency period beckons with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament on 28 July. This second term of the 2020 parliamentary year will go down in history as meetings were conducted entirely on online platforms The...