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04 February 2022

SONA 2022: The Speech

It’s one of the most important speeches that the President delivers in any year. With a prime time tv audience, it is a tremendous PR opportunity for the President to lay out his agenda for the year and give a report back on government’s progress. The...
31 January 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (31 January 2022)

SPECIAL INVESTIGATING UNIT REPORT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC GOODS, WORKS AND SERVICES Released on 25 January, the report and annexure: do not cover allegations received after the timeline set when the investigation began, and will...
24 January 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (24 January 2022)

SOCIAL PROTECTION/BASIC INCOME GRANT On 21 January, a media statement was issued on a meeting between President Cyril Ramaphosa and civil society organisations at which: participants ‘affirmed the need to work towards affordable and sustainable social...
17 January 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (17 January 2022)

  JUDICIAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO STATE CAPTURE   Part 1 of the report was published on 4 January. In an accompanying media statement, President Cyril Ramaphosa undertook to submit the full report to Parliament ‘by the 30 June 2022’, with an...
04 January 2022

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (03 January 2022)

ELECTORAL LAWS AMENDMENT BILL   On 7 December, the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee released a media statement on a meeting about the Bill, which: was tabled in the House in draft form on 1 December was included in a letter from Home Affairs Minister...
15 December 2021

Fourth Term Review 2021

15 December 2021

Review of Parliament 2021

2021 was another eventful parliamentary year. With the year done and dusted, we review some of the legislature’s activities and highlights from this period.   COVID-19 The virtual/hybrid Parliament continued with most MPs working remotely and others...
06 December 2021

The Week Ahead: Land Expropriation, mini-budget & farewells

The constituency period beckons for NA MPs. They are due to depart at the end of the week and return in mid-to-late January. Their NCOP counterparts will remain in session until 15 December. A fair amount of work will be done before lawmakers conclude...
06 December 2021

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (6 December 2021)

COVID-19 According to President Cyril Ramaphosa, government is: in ‘the process of amending … (the) health regulations’ in anticipation of: reviewing ‘the use of the Disaster Management Act’ in managing South Africa’s ‘response’ to the pandemic, and...
29 November 2021

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (29 November 2021)

LAND REFORM On 7 December, the National Assembly is scheduled to debate the Constitution 18th Amendment Bill, according to the latest parliamentary programme.   JUSTICE The South African Law Reform Commission has called for public comment on a...