Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill (B12-2013)
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Bill versions:
- B12-2013 - as enacted
- B12-2013
Act commenced
Bill history
National Assembly
Minister of Finance
17 June 2013Bill introduced to National Assembly
Finance Standing Committee
23 July 2013Financial Management of Parliament Amendment Bill [B-2013]: public hearings public participation
National Assembly
National Council of Provinces
National Council of Provinces
12 November 2013Bill passed by both Houses and sent to the President for assent
Office of the President
The President
27 November 2013Signed by President and becomes Act 23 of 2013 — B12-2013 - as enacted
01 December 2013Act commenced 2 December 2013
Bill Text
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B12-2013 - as enacted
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