Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill (B33-2015)
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Act partially commenced
Bill history
National Assembly
Minister of Finance
26 October 2015Bill introduced to National Assembly
Finance Standing Committee
06 November 2015
11 November 2015
02 February 2016
09 March 2016Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill [B33-2015]: public hearings (NUMSA) public participation
National Assembly
National Council of Provinces
National Council of Provinces
The President's Office
The President's Office
28 November 2016Bill returned to Parliament by the President after reconsideration over concerns about its constitutionality
National Assembly
Finance Standing Committee
25 January 2017Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill: public hearings with Deputy Minister public participation
01 February 2017Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill: Treasury response to submissions public participation
15 February 2017Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation: public hearings; FICA Bill: proposed amendments public participation
21 February 2017
National Assembly
28 February 2017
The President's Office
The President's Office
26 April 2017Bill signed into law by the President and becomes Act 1 of 2017
Office of the President
The President
13 June 2017Certain provisions in the Act took effect on this date. Refer to GG 40916 of 2017
02 October 2017Certain provisions in the Act will take effect on this date. Refer to GG 40916 of 2017
01 April 2019Following provisions of the Act take effect on this date: 2 (a) and (c), 3 (c), 17, 20, 21 (b), 24, 39 and 42. Refer to GG 43260
18 August 2023Sections 6 and 43 of the Act commenced on this date. Refer to GG 49140
Bill Text
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Act 1 of 2017
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