Determination of Remuneration of Members of Constitutional Institutions Laws Amendment Bill (B31-2013)
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Bill versions:
- Act 22 of 2014
- B31-2013 - as enacted
- B31-2013
Act partially commenced
Bill history
National Assembly
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
19 September 2013Bill introduced to National Assembly
National Assembly
National Assembly
04 March 2014Bill passed by the National Assembly and sent to the NCOP for concurrence
National Council of Provinces
National Council of Provinces
Office of the President
The President
30 May 2014Signed by President and becomes Act 22 of 2014 — Act 22 of 2014 — B31-2013 - as enacted
01 April 2019Act commences on this date except for section 8 (b) and (c)
Bill Text
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Act 22 of 2014
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B31-2013 - as enacted
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